Josh Hawley Demands Answers: ‘Did Joe Biden Get Bribed by Burisma Through Hunter to the Tune of $5 million?’

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) slammed the White House for trying to “change the subject” regarding allegations of criminal activity involving Democrat President Joe Biden and his family.

Hawley said the Democrats and their allies in the corporate media are trying to ignore the allegations of a bribery scheme involving the Biden’s while trying to downplay the criminal charges against Hunter.

“Listen, I mean, this is all politics all the time,” Hawley told Fox News’s Kayleigh McEnany.

“It’s obvious to anybody who looks at it.

“You’re exactly right about the gun control issue, Kayleigh.

“I mean, clearly, when it comes to being a Biden or maybe a Clinton, then all of a sudden, we don’t care about gun violence.

“Oh, then we don’t care about firearms crimes, then it’s all fine.

“Same deal with this other plea deal on tax evasion.


“Give me a break.

“Let’s get to the real story.

Did Joe Biden get bribed by Burisma through Hunter to the tune of $5 million, as the whistleblower for the FBI has alleged?

“That’s the real question here.

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“Let’s see the proof.

“Listen, when you’ve got a credible whistleblower at the FBI coming forward and saying they have had sources now for years, credible sources, saying that Joe Biden was bribed by a foreign agent when he was the sitting vice president of the United States.

“My question to them is — to the White House — why won’t you cooperate and exonerate Joe Biden? “Why are you trying to hide these documents?

“Why are you trying to hide the source documents?

“Why did the FBI initially lie and say, oh, there are no such allegations, when in fact, they have credible sources making these allegations?

“Let’s make it all public.

“Let’s put it all in the public domain.

“Let’s let the American people decide.

“Let Joe Biden bring forward the facts.

“But Kayleigh, they don’t want to do that. They want to hide.

“They want to dissemble.

“They want to change the subject.”


READ MORE: Hunter Biden Was Member of Hollywood Sex Club, Got Kicked Out for Being a ‘Scumbag’

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