Kamala Harris Starts Awkwardly Repeating Phrases as Teleprompter Malfunctions

Any reasonable person understands that Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is not much of a public speaker.

In fact, Harris is not much better than her boss, President Joe Biden, which isn’t saying much.

Harris and her campaign have worked overtime to ensure that she’s not caught off-guard by hungry reporters willing to ask the difficult questions others won’t — or any questions for that matter.

Just like Biden’s 2020 campaign, this strategy involves keeping Harris “hiding in the basement” to avoid any embarrassing public gaffes.

However, Harris’s incompetence was on full display over the weekend.

According to the Daily Caller, Harris suffered an incident with a malfunctioning teleprompter that truly highlighted her inability to simply speak coherently.

Harris was widely mocked across the Internet for looking as though her brains were scrambled as the teleprompter she was reading went dark.

The incident happened at a Michigan rally where Harris, who’s barely able to make a speech happen with a teleprompter, completely shut down when the device stopped working.

The Daily Caller noted:

Just after referencing Magic Johnson, Harris said “Remember his number? 32! Today we got 32 days until the election” before pausing, visibly uncomfortable as she looked around at the quieting crowd.

It was also noted that it hadn’t been confirmed whether or not the teleprompter stopped working or if the vice president had a major gaffe, as she kept repeating the same line, awkwardly.


“Okay, we got some business to do,” she said as she struggled to fill the silence.

“We got some business to do. Alright,” she added before repeating the “32 days” phrase.

“Thirty-two days. And we know, we will do it,” Harris told the audience, again.

Users across social media torched the vice president, with many questioning her ability to have difficult conversations with America’s adversaries.

“Look at her face when the teleprompter goes out,” one X user wrote.

“Like a deer in the headlights.”

Another X user wrote:

“Now imagine this mess in front of Putin or Xi.

“She won’t have a teleprompter then…”

It’s scary to imagine having another president who can’t form basic sentences without having such problems.

READ MORE – Biden Confirms Kamala Harris’s Role in His Failed Policies

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