Karine Jean-Pierre Cracks, Says It’s ‘Incredibly Irresponsible’ to Ask If Cocaine Belongs to Biden Family Member

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre cracked under the pressure of questions from the media about the cocaine found in the White House.

The White House changed the cocaine story multiple times this week.

The bag of cocaine was found in the White House on Sunday, but Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration claims they don’t know who left it there.

Speculation has been mounting that the cocaine belongs to a family member, particularly known heavy drug user Hunter Biden, who was visiting the White House shortly before it was found.

People who have worked in the White House, such as former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, claim that cocaine could never get passed the security checks.

Bongino revealed that the only people who are not searched during visits to the White House are family members, the Secret Service agents guarding the family, or maybe a very high-ranking official.

According to experts, a West Wing staffer would never be able to enter the White House with drugs, while a family member such as Hunter Biden, for example, would.

Jean-Pierre has come under increasing pressure during press briefings as the media demand answers.


So all Jean-Pierre had to do was say emphatically, “No, that cocaine didn’t belong to anyone in the Biden family.”

But instead, she filibustered for a few minutes before saying it was “incredibly irresponsible to ask that question” because the family was not here, “Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.”

The Biden family was there on Friday, however, as they left for the July 4th holiday weekend together.

Also, the cocaine was found on Sunday but it is unclear when it was left there.

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Bongino said:

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex.

“No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints.

“Family bypasses those…at a MAG/SECURITY checkpoint you’re forced to empty your pockets, and all of your bags are checked too.

“That’s how they keep potential bio-chem weapons out.

“After working in the White House for five years, I’m convinced the cocaine story the Biden team is telling is BULLSHIT.

“DO NOT TRUST the White House version of events about the cocaine.”

NBC reported that now the WH is claiming the cocaine was “found one floor below the main West Wing offices and the same floor as the Situation Room and a dining area.

“The entrance is near where some vehicles, like the vice president’s limo or SUV park.”

This is an area an MSNBC reporter said: “wasn’t necessarily covered by cameras all that well.”

“We are doing everything possible to attempt to identify who may have brought this item into the White House,” Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

“And that includes every resource, that includes every option available to us or to the federal government.”

Administration spokesman Andrew Bates was asked: “If the Secret Service is able to determine the individual responsible, will the Secret Service and will the White House commit to transparency in this, in making that information public?”

“I’m going to defer to the Secret Service professionals who are carrying this out,” Bates said.

“I’m just not going to engage on hypotheticals about it.”

READ MORE: White House Cocaine Found Near Situation Room, Blowing Scandal Wide Open

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