World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab is boasting that artificial intelligence (AI) technology is now becoming so advanced that it is “outperforming humans.”
According to Schwab, the world is now on the verge of the so-called “Intelligence Age.”
Schwab’s AI-driven vision involved the advanced technology being controlled by a small group of globalist elites, including the WEF.
However, this small group would then have unprecedented control of the rest of the world’s population.
Schwab weighed in on the “Intelligence Age” in a recent article on the WEF’s website.
Revealing that he sees himself as a visionary, Schwab begins by first taking credit for the phrase “the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution” would usher in a world where power elites use Big Tech to control, influence, and silence the general public.
According to Schwab, it is now time to usher in the “Intelligence Age.”
The concept is as simple as it is expansive: notions of the physical and biological “fusing” with the digital.
Meanwhile, blockchain, quantum computing, and artificial general intelligence (AGI) would “converge,” Schwab claims.
These technologies will “fuse and converge” in people’s lives, Schwab explains.
Yet, Schwab says it’s already very much so happening.
He continued by promoting something he calls “environmental, social, and geopolitical intelligence.”
The plan appeared to be a scheme to censor dissenting opinions to allow for the WEF’s agenda to be rolled out without “divisions.”
According to Schwab, the plan for AI to replace humans is already happening.
“AI-driven systems are outperforming humans” in the healthcare industry, Schwab boasted.
Similar, “positive” developments are present in agriculture as well, he goes on, as well as in finance.
Not to mention the so-called smart, heavily mass-surveilled cities.
These cities will be controlled by “sensors and AI managing everything from traffic flow to energy usage,” he said.
Schwab does pay lip service to “risks” such as excessive automation in the workplace leaving huge amounts of people jobless.
However, he claims new opportunities will emerge for the millions of people replaced by machines.
Schwab argues that politicians and education systems will “help people transition to new roles.”
However, he doesn’t explain what those “roles” may be.
Nor does he provide any evidence to support these claims.
Schwab does note that they will require “entirely different skill sets.”
The remark is reminiscent of comments made by John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s former U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.
On Day One of his presidency in January 2021, Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, killing thousands of American and Canadian jobs.
The move was part of the Biden administration’s plan to eliminate fossil fuels.
During a press briefing at the White House on Wednesday, Kerry was asked what his message is to workers who are “seeing an end to their livelihoods” as a result of Biden’s climate agenda.
“The president of the United States has expressed in every comment he has made about climate the need to grow the new jobs that pay better, that are cleaner,” Kerry responded.
He added that Biden intends to “do what needs to be done to deal with this crisis.”
“What President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels,” Kerry said.
Kerry claimed that Biden’s policies would trigger a surge in “green energy” jobs.
“The same people can do those jobs,” the former secretary of state said, adding that, “coal plants have been closing over the last 20 years.”
None of those workers ended up with jobs making solar panels.