Leaked Government Data Exposes Dramatic Sudden Death Surge among Covid-Vaxxed

Data leaked from the New Zealand government’s official database has exposed a dramatic surge in sudden deaths among those who received Covid mRNA shots.

The data was leaked by a government contractor from the country’s federal public health agency and it contains detailed information regarding the vaccination rates of all citizens.

According to the Health New Zealand database, 85.5 percent of the country’s population over the age of 12 is “fully vaccinated.”

The data from Health New Zealand, the nation’s equivalent of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), was analyzed by leading American MIT computer scientist and vaccine expert Steve Kirsch.

The secret data was leaked to the public by New Zealand government contractor Barry Young last year.

However, the database is so vast that new information is continuing to emerge.

In his most recent analysis of the data Kirsch, the inventor of the optical computer mouse and the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), warns that his breakdown of deaths caused by Covid mRNA injections “takes an hour to read.”

Kirsch said he has utilized “a gold-standard methodology used by the UK government” to analyze the New Zealand government data.

The data “clearly shows that the vaccines are increasing all-cause mortality in those who were vaccinated,” Kirsch notes.


In a simplified summary of his findings, Kirsch notes:

  • “When seasonal mortality is strongly declining, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing.”
  • “When seasonal mortality is strongly increasing, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing even more.”

“In short, if you chose to get vaccinated, your mortality increased,” Kirsch explains.

“The mortality increase happened every time you got a shot. It’s crystal clear.”

Kirsch said he has investigated other similar datasets for other non-mRNA vaccines, such as flu shots, and “you simply don’t see this effect.”

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He described the sudden death surge among the Covid-vaxxed as “an artifact of vaccination (the Healthy Vaccinee effect).”

Kirsch notes that the death surge among the Covid-vaccinated is not unique to New Zealand, however.

He asserts that the same pattern is seen in every nation that pushed the Covid mRNA injections onto their citizens.

When a person receives a shot, their “risk of death increases,” Kirsch reveals.

“Every time. Every country. Every dose. Every season.”

Despite the shocking statistics, Kirsch says the “world’s epidemiologists are silent.”

“None are calling for data transparency,” he laments.

Kirsch goes on to reveal that he offered to present his findings to the Biden-Harris administration’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

However, the federal “health” agency responded by saying it “didn’t want to see the data.”

In addition, Health New Zealand is also downplaying the risks of Covid shots, despite the leaked data exposing the dangers.

“Like all medicines, the COVID-19 vaccine may cause side effects in some people,” the agency states.

“These are common, are usually mild, don’t last long, and won’t stop people from having the second dose or going about daily life.

“Serious allergic reactions do occur but are extremely rare.”

According to Kirsch’s analysis of the data, all-cause mortality in New Zealand increased from its baseline by 11.8 percent when the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use in early 2021.

However, the New Zealand government told the public at the time that deaths had spiked because the population grew.

Kirsch notes that this is technically accurate.

“But they deliberately misled the public because the deaths per capita (which is what matters) increased,” Kirsch added.

“So even though the population increased, deaths increased even more.”

In 2020, the number of deaths per 100,000 was 639.

In 2021, that number rose to 682.7 deaths per 100,000 people.

By 2022 it surged even more to 748 deaths per 100,000.

The number of deaths in 2022 was a per-capita rate not seen in over two decades.

“When they deliberately deceive the people like this and the press lets them get away with it, it is an indicator of a very high level of corruption,” warned Kirsch.

He further lamented the lack of transparency regarding the Covid mRNA injections in high-vaccinated New Zealand.

“The entire system is corrupt and bought off … there isn’t any transparency of public health data,” he continued.

“This should make everyone furious.

“Every mainstream media outlet should be calling for … transparency so that the public learns the truth about the vaccines.

“But they are all silent.

“There is absolutely no excuse for public health authorities not providing this.”

READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases

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