A corporate media critic behind one of the main smears against the anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom” has been found to be tied to a radical pro-pedophile group advocating for the normalization of child sex abuse.
As Slay News has reported, the movie has been a smash hit, beating all expectations at the box office.
The film tells the story of real-life hero Tim Ballard.
Ballard, played by “Passion of the Christ” star Jim Caviezel, quits his Department of Homeland Security job hunting pedophiles to rescue sex-trafficked children in Colombia.
The success of the film has brought renewed attention to the issue of the international child trafficking industry.
However, the movie has been unexpectedly, but also rather predictably, attacked and smeared by leftist media critics.
Music magazine-turned-left-wing propaganda outlet Rolling Stone slammed “Sound Of Freedom” as a “Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms.”
Jezebel reported that “‘Sound of Freedom’ Is an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.”
Now one of the critics attacking the film has been exposed for his to a group that is leading efforts to recast pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons,” or MAPs.
Now Twitchy and leftism expert Andy Ngo has revealed details about Noah Berlatsky, the latest corporate media hack to smear “Sound of Freedom.”
Berlatsky, who writes for left-wing establishment outlets such as The Guardian and Business Insider, boasts that his wife is “bisexual and nonbinary” and his child is “transgender.”
He is also the former spokesman for the pro-pedophilia foundation Prostasia.
Prostasia is a leading group driving the Left’s escalating campaign to recast pedophiles as victims of “stigma” and relabel child molesters as “MAPs.”
Berlasky, author of “Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948,” wrote an opinion piece Saturday for Bloomberg headlined, “QAnon and ‘Sound of Freedom’ Both Rely on Tired Hollywood Tropes.”
And as Ngo tweeted Sunday, “leftist activist Noah Berlatsky @berlat [was] the spokesperson for M.A.P. (minor-attracted person) advocacy group, Prostasia.
“In 2017, he tweeted that pedophiles are a stigmatized group who get designated as deviants for hateful purposes.”
The person who wrote this Bloomberg opinion piece is leftist activist Noah Berlatsky @nberlat. He was the spokesperson for M.A.P. (minor-attracted person) advocacy group, Prostasia. In 2017, he tweeted that pedophiles are a stigmatized group who get designated as deviants for… https://t.co/SGqZ5CEqbB pic.twitter.com/6yq7LGqfgJ
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) July 17, 2023
In his Twitter thread, Ngo put out another tweet revealing that Berlasky “also wrote this essay about the autonomy of child sex workers.
“He said that most child trafficking victims are not coerced.”
That tweet links to an archived screenshot of a May 2021 article on the Prostasia Foundation website titled, “Child trafficking narratives are misleading,” with the byline “Noah Berlatsky.”
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) July 17, 2023
The essay, “Child trafficking narratives are misleading,” remains on Prostasia Foundation’s website.
However, at press time, Berlatsky’s byline had been mysteriously replaced with “Staff Contributor.”
In the piece, Berlasky argues that most children in forced prostitution, which he calls “sex work,” were not kidnapped.
He argues that they enter into it willingly to survive.
He says the best way to protect the child “sex workers” is to decriminalize all prostitution, even involving children.
Berlasky claims that by making child prostitution legal, paying customers could report them to the police, even though they’d be exposing themselves as pedophiles.
Citing leftist sex-worker activist Tara Burns of an Alaskan group CUSP (Community United for Safety and Protection), Berlasky writes (emphasis added): “So what could law enforcement and service providers do to help underage people trading sex?
“Burns argues first of all that the most important thing that could be done for people who are actually being coerced is to decriminalize the sex industry.
“That way, she says, ‘everybody around them can report to law enforcement.’
“The people most likely to notice that underage people are being coerced into sex are other sex workers or clients.
“But if sex workers or clients go to the police, they are likely to be arrested themselves and can face very serious charges.”
Berlasky’s review of “Sound of Freedom” anti-child trafficking story focuses heavily on QAnon and even makes a connection to fascism.
It concludes with these two loaded paragraphs:
“Scholar Robert Paxton argues that fascism is marked, among other things, by “cults of unity, energy, and purity” and that it pursues goals of “internal cleansing.”
The far right is motivated by myths of corrupted innocence and corruption avenged.
You can see that in QAnon.
But you can also see it in Hollywood’s own trafficking narratives.
So, is Sound of Freedom a QAnon dog whistle, or is it just another thriller?
The answer is that – whatever the filmmaker’s intentions – it functions as both.
These narratives do little to help victims.
But they can create coalitions of feeling, disgust and righteous rage that connect conservative conspiracy theorists with the mainstream.
That’s why Trump’s screening it.
And that’s why its popularity is ominous.
Ngo’s tweet is linked to an actual 2017 tweet by Berlatsky that reads: “Pedophiles are essentially a stigmatized group.
“Certain people get designated as deviants, people hate them.”
The unearthed tweet aptly summarizes the approach of “MAP” defenders who stress that the softer term de-stigmatizes people who acknowledge they are sexually attracted to children but have not acted out on their paraphilic desires – yet.
But critics charge that watering down terms applied to adults who are prone to the sickening desire to have sexual contact with children – and portraying these adults as victims of discrimination and societal “hate” – is a dangerous first step toward normalizing pedophilia by creating sympathy for them, as WND notes.
In a piece titled, “BUSTED! Bloomberg writer TRASHING ‘Sound of Freedom’ as a QAnon film connected to pedo group,” Twitchy writer Sam P. writes: “What IS IT with these Leftist rags trying to tie ‘Sound of Freedom’ to Q?
“Guys, gals, whatever you call yourselves, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING is sadly very real and an issue that should never be partisan.
“If you find yourself defending child sex trafficking to own the cons [conservatives], you’re a horrible person.”
Then, she writes, after showing Ngo’s tweet about Berlatsky, “And quite possibly connected to pedophilia … like the writer of that piece up there. Noah Berlatsky.”
The Twitchy writer states, “It is really strange that anyone would object to a film like ‘Sound of Freedom’….
“Unless of course, those who object have … well … creepy connections to pedophile groups and have attempted to make pedophiles sound like the real victims here.”
She also reports Berlatsky made his Twitter account private after his associations were made known: “Note, Berlatsky is also locked down so even if you’re not blocked [on Twitter], unless you were already following him, you can’t see his tweets.
“Wonder if he’s trying to clean house.”
With the explosion of pro-transgender youth programs, including more than a thousand schools nationwide that maintain an official policy of not informing parents that their student-child is “gender transitioning,” critics of LGBT extremism are warning about the erosion of parental rights as a threat to children’s innocence, health and safety.
Now comes along what many regard as the “final frontier” of left-driven sexual exploration and “tolerance”: the potential mainstreaming of pedophilia.
After all, say critics, if a child can choose an opposite-sex “gender” as an identity and begin the process of making physical and hormone-induced changes toward that goal – without his or her parents’ knowledge and input – how long will it be before “progressives” assert that a child has the “right” to pursue sexual relationships with whomever he or she chooses, including adults?
The notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, a pro-pederasty group, has long championed children’s sexual autonomy.
NAMBLA marched in early “gay pride” parades before being expelled by homosexual activists who understood that being linked to pedophiles would hurt the cause of “gay liberation.”
The first group in recent years to advocate for “MAPs,” as opposed to pedophiles, is called “B4U-ACT.”
Included in its stated mission is “to educate the public regarding issues faced by individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children.”
The Prostasia Foundation, the group for which Berlasky was spokesman, is allied with B4U-ACT’s approach.
Both groups claim to have the purpose of curtailing actual child sexual abuse while separating out the sexual “attraction” of adults toward children as a mere “sexual preference.”
They insist that the desires for adults to rape children are seemingly inborn and unchangeable, and therefore, must be accepted by society.
An academic paper linked to the Prostasia site states: “There is no evidence that pedophilia can be changed; interventions are intended to reduce sexual response to children or to increase self-management skills.”
A Jan. 9 article on Prostasia’s blog, “Taboo Fantasies; Real Harm Reduction,” encourages people with taboo sexual desires to fantasize about “even our most stigmatized feelings of attraction,” which, in the case of “MAPs,” known as pedophiles to decent-minded folk, would be adults having sexual fantasies involving children.
The writer, Eira Duval, states: “In a fictional space we are free to explore and express even our most stigmatized feelings of attraction, romance, and arousal.
“All without the anxiety that we might be putting ourselves or anyone else in harm’s way.
“Like a rollercoaster, it provides all the thrill associated with danger, knowing all the while there’s no real risk.”
But creating sympathy for “MAPs” and approving of pedophiles to fantasize about their perverse desires surely is far from the minds of everyday Americans, who, based on the popularity of “Sound of Freedom,” are more concerned with the practical need to protect children from sex predators.
Though cynical leftist ideologues like Berlastky claim “Sound of Freedom”-type “narratives do little to help victims,” that is precisely what SOF star Caviezel is hoping to do with the movie.
In a special message to theater-goers shown after the film’s ending, he states: “‘Sound of Freedom’ is one of those films that can legitimately change this world, so we want to ignite a fire in audiences and open their eyes to the dark reality of millions of children that need our help.
“Let’s make this film a historic event and the start of the end of child trafficking… .”
“Pre-order your tickets today and you can send the message that ‘God’s children are no longer for sale,'” he says, echoing the main theme of the Angel Studios production.
READ MORE: Hero Who Inspired ‘Sound of Freedom’ Slams Left for Smearing Movie: ‘Kind of Sick’