Mayor Lori Lightfoot Sued over Vulgar Comments: ‘I Have the Biggest D**k in Chicago’

Chicago’s far-left Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been accused of throwing a temper tantrum and hurling obscenities at a city lawyer in a new lawsuit.

The attorney reportedly tried to defy Lightfoot by allowing Italian-Americans to display a removed statue of Christopher Columbus at a parade.

The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday by former Chicago Park District deputy general counsel George Smyrniotis against Lightfoot and the city.

Smyrniotis claims the mayor defamed him with her vulgar comments at a meeting last year.

According to the lawsuit, Lightfoot said: “You make some kind of secret agreement with Italians.

“My d**k is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d**k in Chicago.

“You are out there stroking your d**k over the Columbus statue, I am trying to keep Chicago police officers from being shot and you are trying to get them shot.”

According to the suit, Lightfoot told the Park District lawyers that they had to submit everything to the city’s legal department for approval, warning them “not to do a f***ing thing with that statute without my approval.”

“Get that f***ing statue back before noon tomorrow or I am going to have you fired,” Lightfoot said according to the complaint.


The lawsuit says Lightfoot “proceeded to berate and defame” him in the meeting by questioning his credentials as a lawyer.

“Where did you go to law school? Did you even go to law school? Do you even have a law license?” Lightfoot said.

According to the lawsuit, Lightfoot called Smyrniotis and his supervisor “d**ks” and asked, “What the f*** were you thinking?”

Smyrniotis resigned from the Park District last month, according to the lawsuit, and now appears to be in private practice in Chicago.

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A city Law Department spokeswoman told the Chicago Tribune: “The city has not yet been served with a complaint and will have no further comment as the matter is now in litigation.”

The president of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans said he is “literally outraged that someone in her position would ever use words like that to refer to any group of individuals.

“When will it end with the disrespect?”

From The Advocate:

Smryniotis alleges in the suit that the district’s top attorney, Timothy King, and then-superintendent Michael Kelly told Smryniotis that they had wanted another suit by the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans against the Park District after Lightfoot removed Columbus statues from Chicago to be settled “as soon as possible.”

He says he then negotiated with the Italian American group’s lawyers to reach a deal. They eventually made an agreement to have a statue featured at the annual Columbus parade last fall.

King approved it, hoping to make good with the Italian Americans, the Tribune reports. They also began talks about removing the statue permanently.

The lawsuit alleges that when Lightfoot heard of the plan, she said she would cancel the parade’s permit, and she ordered an immediate Zoom call.

On that call, Smyrniotis says that Lightfoot “proceeded to berate and defame” the lawyers and questioned their credentials.

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