Melania Trump Slams Charity for Putting ‘Politics’ Before ‘Mission to Support Children’

Former First Lady Melania Trump slammed a children’s charity for snubbing her donation over “politics.”

The Silicon Valley organization refused to accept a donation from her initiative, even anonymously, due to its own apparent far-left agenda.

Mrs. Trump disclosed the clash with the school in a statement defending her charitable fund-raising efforts since she left the White House.

Her work is focused on supporting foster children.


While she did not name the charity that rejected her donation, Mrs. Trump revealed it was “a computer science school founded in Silicon Valley with a campus in Oklahoma.”

According to The New York Times, that fits the description of an organization known as Holberton School, a San Francisco-based education company that has more than 30 schools around the world that specialize in computer science training as an alternative to traditional college for students who want to become software engineers.

It opened a location in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2020.

A stunned Melania issued a blistering statement condemning the charity and the media for pushing false narratives to try to damage her and President Donald Trump: “They would not accept scholarship dollars for deserving students—even as an anonymous gift.

“It was made clear to me that the school’s Board of Directors organized a politically-motivated decision.”

“Being First Lady of the United States was the greatest honor of my life,” Melania said.

“I treasure every experience and am humbled that I was able to serve our Nation.

“I will continue to support our country, and I am committed to providing opportunities for future generations.

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“Since leaving the White House, I have further dedicated my efforts to helping America’s children.

“In fact, I have spent the past months laying the groundwork for a new project that focuses on the foster care community.

“Fostering the Future, a Be Best Initiative Fostering the Future will work to secure educational opportunities and scholarships for children.

“Scholarship recipients will learn in a supportive environment, gaining knowledge critical to realizing job security within the technology sector.

“By providing access to computer science education, these individuals will be prepared to enter the workforce and ultimately reach financial independence.

“Many children in the foster care community lack the support and stability to finish their education and gain meaningful employment.

“In fact, according to the National Foster Youth Institute, only 50 percent of foster children finish high school, and only 3 percent of former foster children obtain a college degree.

“Twenty percent of the children in foster care will become homeless after aging out of the system, and only half will have gainful employment by the age of 24.

“To avoid confusion, I do not operate a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

“In simple terms, ‘Fostering the Future’ is the name of my platform. Fostering the Future is a Be Best initiative.

“I am working with the Bradley Impact Fund, a donor-advised fund, to select charities that support foster children.

“The Bradley Impact Fund will disburse funds raised through the efforts of Fostering the Future to the respective beneficiaries.

“With the assistance of various agencies and individuals in the foster care community, we are currently identifying foster children from across our Nation interested in receiving scholarships.

“These individuals will have the ability to take advantage of the opportunity to learn computer sciences this year.

“I was asked to attend the Tulips and Topiaries High Tea in Naples, Florida, as a Special Guest. The organizers volunteered to support Fostering the Future, and I am pleased that Gen Justice is the recipient of the funds raised surrounding the event.

“Gen Justice is an award-winning, charitable organization fighting to mend the broken child protection system through nonpartisan policy changes and a pro bono Children’s Law Clinic.

“Gen Justice is compliant with Florida State registration requirements for 501(c)(3) entities.

“Addressing False Reports. Recently, a computer science school founded in Silicon Valley with a campus in Oklahoma agreed to work with Fostering the Future.

“Multiple scholarships were going to be granted through the school’s preferred designated fund, based in Tulsa, with the first class of students enrolling in Fall 2022.

“I had signed the Designated Fund Agreement and was waiting for the countersignature when the school informed me it would no longer participate.

“They would not accept scholarship dollars for deserving students—even as an anonymous gift.

“It was made clear to me that the school’s Board of Directors organized a politically-motivated decision.

“Obviously, I was disappointed but not surprised. This is not the first time where politics got in the way of my mission to support children.

“In fact, I tried to galvanize partners to broaden the impact of Be Best while in the White House and was outright rejected.

“For example, a prospective corporate partner refused an opportunity to further our shared philanthropic goals surrounding my visit to Africa.

“Supporting children is not, and should never be, part of a political agenda.

“Imagine the opportunities we could create if we all worked together to support our children and committed to helping them fulfill their hopes and dreams.

“Despite my actions, the press continues to publish inaccurate, misleading, and outright incorrect articles about my work.

“The media has created a narrative whereby I am trying to act in an illegal or unethical manner.

“That portrayal is simply untrue and adversely affects the children I hope to support.

“Those who attack my initiatives and create the appearance of impropriety are quite literally dream killers.

“They have canceled the hopes and dreams of children by trying to cancel me.

“Looking Ahead, I am humbled by the outpouring of generosity, love, and support I have received after the recent false reporting.

“I will continue to support our children and do whatever it takes, remaining positive in the face of negativity,” she said.

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