Former Vice President Mike Pence put Russian President Vladimir Putin on notice and called for “the free world to step up” and help Ukraine “defend themselves.”
Pence argues that Putin only responds to strength so it is time for the rest of the world to get tough with Russia.
“The world’s been inspired by President Zelenskyy,” Pence said.
“When I met him two years ago, we actually spent time together in Poland.
“We spoke after that, and I saw at that time his strength, his poise.
“But what the world has seen is a man standing courageously in the gap for his people.
“And I think the words that he expressed today to the United States of America can be summarized in simply a message that the people of Ukraine are suffering, and we need to do more.
“And I believe that we will do more.
“I believe that it’s important that we heed his call for additional sanctions, that we economically isolate Putin.
“There is one person to blame for this invasion: it’s Vladimir Putin. And Putin must pay for the violence.
“I think it’s time that we transferred the MiGs, that we gave them the anti-aircraft systems.
“And I also believe the time has come for a 21st century Berlin airlift.
“When I was on the border of Ukraine just last week, I heard over and over again the practical needs the people are facing: food, water, medicine.
“And I think it’s time for the free world to step up and work together to make sure that the people of Ukraine have the wherewithal to defend themselves and also to take care of themselves and their families amidst this violence.
“They’ve shown incredible courage.
“You saw President Zelenskyy demonstrate that courage in words today as well.
“But I think the time has come for us to do more, to give them more of the ability to defend themselves and to give them the support that they need in this hour of need,” Pence said.
In Israel, Mike Pence says future GOP administration will rip up any new Iran deal | The Times of Israel
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) March 8, 2022
Earlier, Putin called out Russian oligarchs and told his country to get ready for some serious hardships.
“They are trying to bet on a so-called fifth column, on traitors of the nation, on those who earn money here but live over there,” Putin said.
“And live there not just in a geographic sense, but in their minds and their consciousness which is that of slaves.
“I don’t judge those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera.
“Or who can’t get by without oysters or foie gras or so-called ‘gender freedoms.’
“The problem is they mentally exist there, and not here, with our people, with Russia.
“They think this places them in a higher caste.
“Of course, the new reality will require deep structural changes to our economy.
“I won’t conceal that they will be difficult.
“They will lead to a temporary rise in inflation and unemployment,” Putin warned.
“Our task is to minimize such risks.”