A naked selfie of Democrat President Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank has been discovered on a gay dating site.
Frank Biden has already confirmed that the photo is genuine by claiming that his “phone must have been hacked.”
The photo was uploaded to GuysWithiPhones.com in 2018.
At the time, Frank – who has a long-term female partner Mindy Ward – was 64.
However, the image has only been discovered this week.
It was first unearthed by the nonprofit Marco Polo.
The organization has been investigating the Biden family for alleged political corruption and crimes for years.
When approached by the Daily Mail, 69-year-old Frank Biden conceded he was the man in the photo but denied he was the one who posted it.
“I’ve absolutely no comment,” Frank said from his Florida home when asked about the photo.
“I could care less. I haven’t even looked at it.”
“They must have hacked my phone,” he added.
“Anything that is a revealing picture of some kind is between Mindy and me.
“I really don’t want to start my day off this way,’ said Frank.
“Definitely didn’t post it anywhere.
“What lengths will these cretins go to?
“Why do they care about a 70-year-old man.”
BREAKING REPORT: Nak-d selfie of Joe Biden's younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site..
Blackmail fears increase for President Biden.
Is the LEFT moving to oust Joe for 2024? pic.twitter.com/76LhOeN3EZ
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 9, 2023
It’s unclear how Frank Biden’s phone could have been hacked at least five years ago without it being realized until now, however.
The naked picture of the president’s brother circulating online further raises the prospect of the Biden family being blackmailed.
Any indecent image of a First Family member is considered a potent national security threat.
There is no evidence that any person or group has attempted to use the shot against the Biden administration.
Nevertheless, it is also unlikely that the Biden White House would make such a threat public.
Guys With iPhones describes itself as “Powered by a love for hot men who appreciate the finer gadgets in life.”
The site features selfies of naked men.
Privacy fine print on the site shows it is owned by “gay porn blog” QueerClick.com.
Site metadata and a watermark on the photo reveal that it was posted on May 23, 2018.
The date is around the same time Frank’s nephew Hunter Biden was also photographing himself naked at the Chateau Marmont with M&Ms lined up along his penis, pictures from the infamous “Laptop from Hell” reveal.
In Frank’s naked selfie, he appears to be wearing only a baseball cap and glasses, as he poses in front of a bathroom mirror.
The picture of Frank Biden on the gay website had several appreciative comments, including: “Daddy take me away!,” “a hot dilf,” and “Make me your b***h, Daddy!”
Photos are generally submitted to the website by users.
Many of the photos are not submitted by the men in the pictures, and it may not have been Frank himself who submitted the revealing selfie.
How the image was obtained and uploaded, however, remains unknown.