NASCAR Cracks Down On Let’s Go Brandon, Denounces Chant Sweeping Nation

NASCAR is denouncing the Let’s Go Brandon chant that started after a race and quickly went viral. From college football stadiums to baseball stadiums to anywhere crowds gather the chant can be heard.

Even the liberals are getting the joke.  Rather than fight Brandon, they embraced the chant getting ‘Thank you Brandon’ to trend on Twitter after Biden finally passed the infrastructure bill. But NASCAR doesn’t think it is funny and is cracking down.

Steve Phelps, NASCAR’s president, said: “It’s an unfortunate situation and I feel for Brandon, I feel for Kelli.

“I think, unfortunately, it speaks to the state of where we are as a country. 

“We do not want to associate ourselves with politics, the left or the right.

“We will pursue whoever is using logo) and get that stuff.


“That’s not OK. It’s not OK that you’re using our trademarks illegally, regardless of whether we agree with what the position is.

“Do we like the fact that it kind of started with NASCAR and then is gaining ground out elsewhere? 

“No, we’re not happy about that,” Phelps said.

From NBC:

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NASCAR denounced its association with the “Let’s go, Brandon” political cry being used across the country as an insult directed at President Joe Biden. 

Steve Phelps, NASCAR’s president, said Friday the top motorsports series in the United States does not want to be associated with politics “on the left or the right.”

Phelps also said NASCAR will pursue action against any illegal use of its trademarks on merchandise boasting the slogan. 

Retired baseball star Lenny Dykstra posted a photo on Twitter this week of a man eating breakfast at a New Jersey hotel wearing a black “Let’s go, Brandon” shirt alongside NASCAR’s trademarked color bars.

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