NBC Dooms Biden & Pelosi: ‘Democrats Headed for a Catastrophic Election’

NBC News has warned President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that the Democrats “are headed for a catastrophic election” in November.

A new poll by NBC spells doom for the Democratic Party and shows Biden’s overall job approval rating dropped to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency.

The polling data also deals a severe blow to Pelosi as it shows that Republicans have a 2-point lead as to which party should control Congress.

“Bad day to be a Democrat,” GOP pollster Robert Blizzard said.

“Biden approval 40%, handling economy two-to-one negative, Biden gets blame for inflation (not Putin), and few paying attention to Supreme Court confirmation process.

“Oh, and yeah, Republicans lead generic ballot in NBC poll for the first time in 8 years.”

“What this poll says is that President Biden and Democrats are headed for a catastrophic election,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinions Strategy, who conducted this survey with Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates.

“You cannot get down to the low 40s in presidential approval unless you have strained your own base,” McInturff added.

Horwitt said:

“One thing that has not happened — at least yet — is a rally around the flag reaction with Joe Biden’s job rating increasing.

“The potential for that to occur could still happen if America becomes more directly involved, but at this stage it is not there.”

According to NBC:

The erosion in Biden’s approval rating has been across the board among key demographic groups, including

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Black respondents (from 64 percent approve in January to 62 percent now),

Women (from 51 percent approve to 44 percent),

Latinos (from 48 percent to 39 percent) and

Independents (36 percent to 32 percent).

Seventy-one percent of Americans said they believe the nation is headed on the wrong track, versus 22 percent who said they believe it’s headed in the right direction, which is unchanged from January’s poll. 

And on the issues, 51 percent of adults said they approve of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus (up 7 points from January),

42 percent approved of his handling of foreign policy (up 5 points),

But only a third — 33 percent — approved of Biden’s handling of the economy (down 5 points).

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