New CBS Poll Spells Doom for Democrats as Americans Blame Biden for Inflation

Americans across the country say that soaring inflation is lowering their standard of living, a new CBS poll shows.

The poll also spells dooms for the Democrats as most voters believe that President Joe Biden is to blame for the high cost of living.

The deeper sense is that the nation’s economic troubles of recent years have been, as a whole, tougher than others it has faced in generations.

Second only to the Covid shutdowns, citizens say that right now, the post-pandemic era is the most difficult economic time they have experienced.

Inflation’s impact may even go beyond the immediate pressure on Americans’ pocketbooks, however.


To a larger sense, the issue is stifling opportunity in America.

During an appearance on the CBS show “Face the Nation,” pollster Anthony Salvanto broke the results from the CBS News poll’s findings.


Despite stronger jobs reports from the Biden White House and corporate media economists’ talk of “soft landings,” people say they still pay more attention to their own experiences than to macroeconomic measures.

An overwhelming number of Americans now say their incomes aren’t keeping pace.

More people today say their standard of living is worse, not better, than that of their parents.

The poll found that age groups encompassing a lot of millennials and Gen-Xers, currently in their prime working years, are especially apt to think their living standards are suffering due to Bidenflation.

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Yet this sentiment runs counter to the traditional notion of the American Dream.

It’s been four decades since Americans have seen inflation like they have in recent years.

When asked to put current troubles in context, Americans say the economic difficulties since the pandemic have been the worst in a couple of generations.

They argue that life under Biden’s economy has been more worse than the crash and Great Recession of 2008-09, other recession periods in the 90s and 80s, and more so than the inflation and gas shortages of the 1970s.

Accoridn to the poll, People don’t blame themselves for inflation in the form of “higher consumer demand.”

Their main causes point further afield, to international factors, suspicion of companies overcharging and government spending.

Inflation remains the top reason people say they feel the economy is bad.

Views of the economy, overall, are still broadly negative and closer again to where they were this spring than this fall.

Biden still gets large disapproval for handling inflation.

Meanwhile, Americans are still more apt to think the Biden administration’s actions have led to it growing, not slowing.

The Biden admin often touts its legislative record on the economy.

However, Americans’ evaluations of things like the Build Back Better Act and the Inflation Reduction Act are mixed.

Many, including Democrat voters, say they have not heard enough about them, at least not by name.

Overall, the consensus among Americans is that living standards have fallen to unacceptable levels under Biden.

READ MORE: Democrat Voters Give Trump Higher Approval Rating than Biden

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