New York Times Calls for Ban on July 4th Fireworks to Fight ‘Climate Change’

Liberal corporate media outlet The New York Times is arguing that Americans must be forced to give up fireworks during July Fourth celebrations in order to help globalists “fight climate change.”

The NY Times called for a ban on fireworks in a recent article titled: “Enough With the Fireworks Already.”

The left-wing newspaper argues that Americans must find a different way to celebrate their nation’s independence.

Additionally, the article insists Americans should give up fireworks because dogs and wildlife are terrified of loud noises.

“And those were all companion animals, the ones whose terror is clear to us,” the NYT article warns.

“We have no real way of knowing how many wild animals suffer because the patterns of their lives are disrupted with no warning every year on a night in early July.

“People shooting bottle rockets in the backyard might not see the sleeping songbirds, startled from their safe roosts, exploding into a darkness they did not evolve to navigate — crashing into buildings or depleting crucial energy reserves.

“People firing Roman candles into the sky above the ocean may have no idea that the explosions can cause seabirds to abandon their nest or frighten nesting shorebirds to death.”

The article continues by arguing that fireworks should be banned because they’re toxic to the environment and could cause fires.


However, the alleged impact on “climate change” and animals wasn’t enough for the Times.

The article goes on to link fireworks and mass shootings in a passive-aggressive attack against the Second Amendment.

The media outlet claims Americans are also scared of loud booms because of recent mass shootings.

“Animals aren’t the only ones that suffer on the Fourth of July,” the article asserts.

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“We live in a country completely saturated with guns, and far too many of them are fired at strangers at public events.

“These days many human beings have a similar panicked reaction to the sound of fireworks, mistaking it for gunfire.”

The article then shifts away from fireworks to begin simply lecturing the American people about “climate change.”

In addition to giving up fireworks, the general public must “eat more vegetables and less animal protein,” and “raise the thermostat in the summer and lower it in the winter,” the NY Times warns.

“In that context, surely, we can give up fireworks,” the Times insists.

“Of all the little pleasures that give life meaning and joy, surely fireworks don’t come close to the top of the list, and it costs us nothing to give them up.”

Giving up fireworks is “the right thing,” the article declares.

The Times then continues by smearing patriots as “selfish.”

The outlet complains about a “conflation of selfishness with patriotism.”

Americans who eat hamburgers, drive big trucks, and “fire bottle rockets deep into the night on the Fourth of July” aren’t “good Americans,” the New York Times claims.

READ MORE – WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’

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