NYT Fails to Attack JD Vance by Publishing His Anti-Trump Emails from 2016

The New York Times has tried to attack President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) by publishing a hit piece against the VP candidate.

The left-wing newspaper published Vance’s emails from 2016 in which he criticized Trump and his presumed agenda.

In the emails, Vance called Trump “morally reprehensible.”

Vance was emailing Sophia Nelson, a former Yale Law School classmate, who is transgender, between 2014 and 2017.

In the run-up to the 2016 election, Vance discussed a prospective Trump presidency with Nelson.

Nelson apparently saved the emails and decided to leak them to the Times.

The Times has now published those emails in a hit piece about Vance.

However, the move failed to have any impact as it’s already widely known that Vance was a Trump critic who was won over by the 45th president’s performance in the Wite House.

The emails only reveal where Vance stood at the time.

Anyone who has been paying attention to Vance since that time knows he didn’t start out as a Trump supporter.

In fact, the shift in Vance’s views was a key factor in the senator being selected as Trump’s running mate.

In the 2016 emails, Vance said that Trump was “morally reprehensible” and expressed animosity toward police and their alleged treatment of black people.

Nelson said that the frequent emails and texts stopped when the two had a falling out over Vance’s support for a ban on transgender medical procedures for minors.

The nature of Vance’s criticism in the emails appears to stem from the false smears peddled by the corporate media at the time, such as the “Muslim ban” hoax.

“I’m obviously outraged at Trump’s rhetoric, and I worry most of all about how welcome Muslim citizens feel in their own country,” Vance wrote in 2015.

“But I also think that people have always believed crazy s—…

“And there have always been demagogues willing to exploit the people who believe crazy s—.”

“The more white people feel like voting for trump, the more black people will suffer. I really believe that,” Vance wrote to Nelson in 2016.

Another email later that year said, “He is just a bad man.

“A morally reprehensible human being.”

While Trump obviously had enough support to get elected in 2016, he also had many detractors who now support him, including radio host Glenn Beck and Sens. Jeb Bush (R-FL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Before Trump was elected in 2016, no one knew what he would do and whether his policies would actually be conservative.

It is not difficult to imagine that Vance came around after seeing Trump’s performance in his first term.

In addition, comparing Trump’s tenure to Biden’s has led many voters who originally felt Trump wasn’t a great candidate to change their minds.

Vance must be one of them.

Of course, the Times wants voters to see Vance as a politically expedient hypocrite who is willing to throw his convictions out the window for power.

Meanwhile, the corporate media is ignoring the many conflicting statements of the newly coronated presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris.

READ MORE – Georgia Swing Voter Drops Hammer on Kamala Harris

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