Pennsylvania Election Official Caught Pressuring Voters to ‘Vote Democrat’ in Undercover Video

A Pennsylvania election official has been caught illegally pressuring voters inside a polling location to “vote Democrat,” an undercover video shows.

The official, Christie Yang, was filmed by an undercover Project Veritas journalist inside a Philadelphia polling location.

“I asked you to vote the Rep — I mean the Democrat down ballot,” Yang tells the undercover journalist at the polling location at 609 Snyder Ave.

“Because we’re trying to focus on, if the Democrats win, then at least they represent us.”

Yang explained to the journalist how she chooses who to vote for by looking down the line and going with all of the Democrats.

“I don’t bother with Republicans, because they’re the Trump people,” Yang added.

“But if you want the Democrat win, you must focus — if we all focus on Democrat, we can win.”

“We need to be united right now,” Yang insists as she ramps up the pressure on the voter.

Project Veritas brought the footage to Christopher Cwienkala, the Judge of Elections for Ward 39 — Division 19.


“I agree with you — that doesn’t look good,” Cwienkala admitted.


As Slay News reported earlier this week, another poll worker in Indiana was removed by election officials after they were caught marking voters’ ballots for Democrat candidates and pressuring citizens to vote for specific candidates.

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The poll worker, identified as James Zheng, was caught pre-selecting Democrat candidates on voters’ ballots at a location in Carmel, Indiana.

In one incident, Zheng reportedly filled out a ballot by voting “straight Democrat Party” when a voter asked for assistance.

Zheng allegedly told voters that certain candidates were “racist” and pre-selected a straight-Democrat ticket for a voter under the guise of “explaining the voting machines.”

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