A School Board in Norwin, Pennsylvania has voted to remove CNN shows from the classrooms and only show children patriotic videos instead.
By a 5-4 vote, the board decided to end a requirement for teachers to show CNN10 in their homeroom classes.
Directors Christine Baverso, Alexander Detschelt, Shawna Ilagan, Raymond Kocak, and Robert Wayman voted to end mandatory viewing of the 10-minute broadcast of CNN10 in school classrooms across he district.
Directors Darlene Ciocca, William Essay, Patrick Lynn, and Joanna Jordan wanted to keep forcing kids to watch the far-left “news” network.
The school picked CNN10 to replace Channel One in 2019 as part of a “compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom.”
Class televisions will be shut off now unless students, teachers, or administrators want to watch the broadcast or watch patriotic videos on topics such as Veterans Day or the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.
The school district added CNN 10 as “required viewing material” in 2019.
Ashley Egan, a mother who supported the ban, said showing a program linked to CNN is “feeding her son every day that CNN is a label you can trust.”
Egan said there are numerous references by speakers on CNN 10 that direct students to “visit our friends on CNN.com.”
“That is not unbiased,” Egan said.
Tammy Marino of Irwin supported the ban and questioned why students should be forced to watch the broadcast, “This community voted for change.”
Pennsylvania school removes CNN from classrooms, opt for patriotic videos https://t.co/ELBPqFBhZm https://t.co/dtpDr5Qw18
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) February 17, 2022
From Triblive:
The banning of CNN 10 from the homeroom classrooms was the first of about a dozen changes that Destschelt characterized in December as issues that were raised in his successful 2021 election campaign.
…A contingent of about 30 teachers, including Ryan Lynn, president of the Norwin Education Association, were among about 55 people at the meeting.
A group of opponents to the CNN 10 broadcast also attended.
CNN 10 was both supported and bashed by several of about 10 speakers at the meeting.
Lynn declined to comment following the meeting.
It was selected in 2019 to replace Channel One, which provides a similar news program geared toward students.
A representative for Norwin School District said:
“On February 14, 2022 the Norwin School Board voted and approved the following: To remove watching TV during homeroom at the Middle School unless it is either student, teacher or administrator driven to allow students to socialize and interact with each other..
“It was further clarified that the board will allow teachers to use discretion and broadcast videos from all sources, including videos pertaining to patriotic holidays.”