Scandal-ridden legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin is leaving CNN after 20 years at the doomed network.
Toobin was hit with multiple scandals during his time at CNN.
Rumors are swirling that the network’s new bosses are about to do a big round of layoffs so he may not be the only one out the door.
“Friends, I’ve decided that, after 20 years, I’m leaving CNN after my vacation,” he said.
“Was great to spend my last day on air with pals Wolf, Anderson, and Don. Love all my former colleagues.
“Watch for my next book, about the Oklahoma City bombing, coming in 2023 from Simon and Schuster.”
Friends, I’ve decided that, after 20 years, I’m leaving @cnn after my vacation. Was great to spend my last day on air with pals Wolf, Anderson and Don. Love all my former colleagues. Watch for my next book, about the Oklahoma City bombing, coming in 2023 from @simonandschuster
— Jeffrey Toobin (@JeffreyToobin) August 12, 2022
A CNN spokesperson told Fox News Digital, “We are grateful for Jeffrey’s contributions to the network over the years and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.”
CNN had put Toobin on ice after he was caught masturbating during a Zoom meeting with his New Yorker colleagues.
He was fired by the magazine but CNN put him on a lengthy leave of absence.
He returned to CNN in June 2021.
He came clean about the incident during a weird exchange with CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Camerota asked.
“Well, obviously, I wasn’t thinking very well or very much, and it was something that was inexplicable to me.
“I think one point – I wouldn’t exactly say in my defense, because nothing is really in my defense.
“I didn’t think I was on the call.
“I didn’t think other people could see me,” he said.
“Do you think … that the punishment fits the crime?” Camerota asked about his firing from The New Yorker.
“I am the worst person to ask that question,” he said.
“I mean, obviously, I love The New Yorker. I loved working there.
“I felt like I was a very good contributor to that magazine for a very long time, and I thought this punishment was excessive, but look, you know, that’s why they don’t ask the criminal to be the judge in his own case.
“I mean, I thought it was an excessive punishment.
“I’m incredibly grateful to CNN for taking me back.”
Toobin has also been accused of sexual misconduct of the MeToo variety.
According to Fox News:
Toobin fathered a child in 2009 with Casey Greenfield, the daughter of Toobin’s one-time CNN colleague Jeff Greenfield.
He urged Greenfield to have an abortion, reportedly even offering money to terminate the pregnancy.
Toobin was later taken to court after he denied the child was his.
Toobin was ordered to pay child support after he was forced to take a DNA test which proved that he was the child’s biological father.