Pharmaceutical Companies Quietly Drop mRNA Vaccines as Sudden Deaths Soar

As sudden deaths continue to soar around the world, pharmaceutical companies have been quietly dropping mRNA vaccines, which have been repeatedly linked to the phenomenon.

Since the public rollout of Covid mRNA shots in early 2021, sudden and unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing.

Massive spikes in heart failure, strokes, blood clots, cancers, and vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS) – all of which are side effects of the mRNA injection – have caused global excess death numbers to soar.

The idea of mRNA vaccines goes back to Robert Malone’s discoveries in the late 1980s.

Malone was unable to pursue them and the patents passed to pharmaceutical giant Merck.


Merck spent the end of the old century expensively failing to develop a product.

The idea might have remained in abeyance had it not been for 9/11 and the curious episode, immediately afterward, when letters laced with anthrax spores were posted to Senators and media outlets.

The letters, allegedly sent by a disaffected U.S. Army scientist, killed five people and infected 17 more.

At the time, the world was already shaken by planes being used as missiles and became anxious about the threat of bioterrorism.

In 2018 a pharmaceutical company – seeking new smallpox vaccines – re-created the extinct horsepox virus using DNA chemistry alone.

Given the right conditions, the reborn virus-infected tissue culture replicates itself.

The potential to recreate smallpox became all too apparent.

It is widely believed, if not officially, that the COVID-19 pandemic began with the escape of a virus manipulated by collaborating U.S. and Chinese scientists.

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The U.S. response has been to lavishly fund its Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

They passed money to anyone with a plausible product.

DARPA alighted upon mRNA vaccines.

The attraction was that, if you sorted delivery, mRNA instability, and toxicity, then you could adapt them for any pathogen.

Think of the mRNA vaccine as a missile (lipid nanoparticle and mRNA modification to give stability) and payload (specific mRNA encoding the antigen).

Once you have the missile you can fill it with an armor-piercing payload, or a high explosive, or shrapnel, gas, or nuclear.

Likewise, with mRNA, different strands of mRNA cause the vaccine recipient to make different proteins, which elicits (in theory) the desired immune response.

mRNA technology allows swift adaptation in a world of diverse threats.

Making a conventional vaccine requires you to grow the virus and then kill it or develop an attenuated variant that induces immunity but not the disease.

In the latter case, you must ensure that your attenuated virus can’t revert to virulence, as has happened with some polio vaccines.

Alternatively, you can purify a viral component and use that as the antigen, perhaps conjugated to a carrier to increase immunogenicity.

That is laborious compared with just swapping an mRNA payload.

What’s more, mRNA vaccines, giving prolonged antigen synthesis, might better resemble natural infection than a single shot of an inert protein conjugate.

DARPA-funded mRNA vaccine research at pharmaceutical majors but none pursued it.

According to a DARPA spokesman:

“They were reticent about taking on any risk with a new regulatory pathway for vaccines, even though the data looked good.”

The technology passed to Moderna and BioNTech, start-ups without marketed products.

It was their vaccines – hurriedly given Emergency Use Authorisation under classical vaccine rules, not the anticipated “new regulatory pathway.”

This authorization became the backbone of the West’s Covid response.

However, many see this arrangement as a grand military-industrial conspiracy.

By controlling the vaccines, a virus could be released onto populations, major restrictions could be enforced by governments, and then a “solution” could quickly offered.

The big three vaccine companies – GSK, Merck, and Sanofi – were not big players in the Covid vaccine business.

GSK and Sanofi collaborated but abandoned their initial product after disappointing Phase I/II results.

Much later, they developed a protein vaccine but, by then, the bottom was falling out of the market.

Merck sold a major equity interest in Moderna on December 2, 2020.

This was one day after Moderna reported “94% efficacy” for its vaccine in Phase III.

The shares, at $143, were up seven-fold on the purchase price, but it was early to sell, with profits expected to flow.

In August 2021 they hit $480.

Merck apparently wanted to get “out, and fast.”

The vaccine majors retain an interest in mRNA, however.

Merck is co-developing a skin cancer vaccine with Moderna and has an mRNA flu vaccine for pigs.

Nevertheless, their big commitments lie with conventional vaccines.

The folks who are betting big on mRNA are our governments.

The U.S., U.K.Canada, and Australia have each put billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money into mRNA vaccine plants, to be developed by Moderna.

This comes despite the growing concerns about mRNA Covid vaccines.

The official view is that the injections allegedly saved 20 million lives.

At the other extreme, some believe that they failed completely and are the major driver of ongoing excess deaths.

As Slay News reported, studies now show that far more people have been killed by the vaccines than were saved from Covid.

The failure to protect is evident to everyone from personal experience, and the vast excess of VAERS and Yellow Card reports for Covid vaccines evidences the safety issue.

This is far from the clear-cut success of many conventional vaccines, for example against smallpox, polio, diphtheria, measles, tetanus, and Haemophilus b meningitis.

There is an urgent need to understand where the problems lie.

In the missile or the payload? Is the spike protein inherently toxic, leading to cardiac damage?

Are induced bloodstream antibodies in the wrong place to abort infection in the upper airways?

Have coronaviruses evolved so that you can’t achieve lasting immunity however you try?

Those would be payload problems, irrelevant to a different target.

Or is the whole strategy flawed because lipid nanoparticles cause prolonged antigen production in tissues that the target viruses would never reach?

Does harm arise from replacing uridine with pseudouridine in the mRNA, giving a persistent product?

These issues require major investigations.

Which brings us back to Moderna’s share price.

The company’s value has plummeted, down from $104 to $85.60 over the past fortnight.

This is owing to disappointing results on a developmental mRNA respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine.

RSV causes some mortality at the extremes of life and bounced back strongly after the end of the Covid lockdowns.

Following poor results and plummeting share prices, Big Pharma companies, including Moderna and Pfizer, are quietly dropping their mRNA products.

Meanwhile, governments who “invested” taxpayers’ money in these experimental injections are left holding the white elephant.

READ MORE – Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’

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