British corporate media journalist Piers Morgan has admitted that his aggressive advocacy in support of mass-injecting the public with Covid mRNA “vaccines” was “completely wrong.”
Morgan made the confession during a new interview with Tucker Carlson.
He told Carlson that he was “misled” by health officials who insisted that the experimental shots were “safe and effective.”
Specifically, Morgan said the false official narrative that the “vaccines” stopped transmission of the virus led him to turn against those who chose not to get vaccinated.
Morgan said the false claims from health officials and the corporate media made him believe that the unvaccinated were “killing old people.”
“When the scientists said if you have the vaccine you can’t transmit the virus, I believed them,” Morgan told Carlson.
“I became wrongly censorious, really badly censorious …
“Next time around with any of these things, I’m going to be a lot more skeptical.
“As a journalist should be.
“I’m pretty ashamed of not being that to start with.”
The admission from Morgan comes as the official narrative regarding the “safety” of Covid mRNA “vaccines” continues to crumble.
A new paper published this week found that claim from health “experts” about the safety and effectiveness of the injections was based on fake data.
The scientific report was authored by all-cause mortality expert Dr. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.
Rancourt revealed that claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.”
The paper was published on Wednesday by Correlation, a Canadian nonprofit research organization.
According to Rancourt, the models depend entirely on invalid estimates of vaccine efficacy and disease prevalence and virulence, none of which are based on real-world data concerning actual deaths.
They also fail to account for other complex factors contributing to child mortality — particularly in low-income countries, where most of these millions of infant lives are purportedly saved.
These factors include nutritional deficiency, toxic exposures, and poverty.
Rancourt also found that, contrary to public health claims, there are no examples in all-cause mortality data of a drop in infant or child mortality temporally associated with the rollout of a childhood vaccination program.
On the contrary, he wrote, independent observational studies have tied vaccine rollouts to increased infant or child mortality and morbidity.
In the paper, Rancourt develops an alternative model using yearly all-cause infant mortality.
Rancourt estimates that childhood vaccination campaigns since 1974 may have been associated with approximately 100 million vaccine-related deaths.
However, he emphasizes that any true estimate of mortality would also have to account for other factors.
Such factors would include the shifting political and economic dynamics that drive poverty and its associated health problems.
In his paper, Rancourt writes:
“I express and support the opinion that all models that purport to calculate the mortality (infant mortality in particular) averted by vaccine programs are invalid because they are based on inputs of vaccine efficacy and pathogen prevalence and virulence that are themselves invalid.
“Even with ideal testing, the counterfactual number of deaths from a presumed pathogen, if the targeting vaccination program was not implemented, is impossible to calculate reliably because it is contrary to biological reality: the deaths of concern are always complex non-linear events that involve several interacting contributing factors that do not have additive effects.
“Furthermore, infant mortality factors other than vaccination are highly variable and overwhelmingly more important than any presumed vaccine benefit; predominantly, deleterious effects of nutritional deficiencies and of relentless exposures to challenges from toxic living environments.
“The underlying cause is so-called failed-state extreme poverty due to structural financial exploitation that is not being addressed.
“There is no known example of a drop in measured infant or child mortality temporally associated with the rollout of a childhood vaccination program.
“Independent studies suggest that, contrary to dogma, excess infant mortality (not averted infant mortality) is associated with vaccine program rollouts and maintenance.
“Using yearly infant all-cause mortality rate directly, I estimate approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024 worldwide, with the caveat of concomitant large-scale economic transformations.
“I conclude, overall, that the longstanding industry of infant vaccination programs is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation.”