Popular Anti-Trump Democrat Twitter Account Exposed as Fake

A popular anti-Trump Twitter account, that frequently posted viral tweets promoting pro-Democrat talking points, has been exposed as a fake and shut down.

The “Erica Marsh” account was posing as a young female Democrat operative.

The bio of the account that claimed “she” was a former field organizer for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and an Obama Foundation volunteer.

The account mostly posted regular pro-Democrat tweets mixed with a small amount of outrageous, hate-filled, and divisive tweets, often with false claims that frequently went viral.

However, “Erica Marsh” never existed.

The account would often post confused comments that appeared to be intended to advance the Democrats’ race- and gender-based agenda.

During tax month, “Marsh” decided to weigh in on former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s primary election defeat.

“The defeat of Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s first Black female Mayor and first openly gay mayor speaks to the racism and homophobia that candidates still face in major U.S. cities,” the account tweeted.

Lightfoot was defeated by Brandon Johnson, a black man, who went on to win the mayoral election.


And there were other posts as well:

Ron DeSantis is a modern day Hitler. If elected President, we will be living in a modern day Nazi Germany.

The Republican Party is a modern day Nazi Party. Change my mind.

Such posts were frequent and often went viral.

Greg Boulden appears to have cracked the case, linking the account to a Belgian firm.

The exposé led to one of the firm’s executives threatening a lawsuit.

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Nevertheless, “Erica Marsh” is no more, as the account has been suspended.






Boulden’s post appears to have grabbed the attention of Twitter as the account has since been deleted.

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