Pro-Obama Netflix Documentary Produced by Jack Smith’s Wife

A Netflix documentary that celebrates former First Lady Michelle Obama and her husband’s administration is produced by Special Counsel Jack Smith’s wife.

The documentary is based on Michelle Obama’s book, “Becoming.”

Like the book, the film seeks to paint a glowing picture of the Obamas’ time in the White House and, specifically, heap praise on the former first lady.

However, the documentary was produced by Katy Chevigny.

Chevigny the wife of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Smith is the same man who is prosecuting President Donald Trump on behalf of the Democrats and the Biden administration.

The special counsel appointed by Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland to go after Trump.

Smith was picked by Garland to lead up the investigation of Trump’s so-called mishandling of classified documents.

The special counsel has been repeatedly accused of bias in its anti-Trump case.


Trump called Smith a “totally biased Thug” and a “Radical Left Lunatic.”

Smith is a former career Justice Department prosecutor and former chief prosecutor for the special court in The Hague.

In posts on social media, Trump has called out Smith and his wife, Chevingy, for their obvious biases.

“This is illegal, and I assume this Radical Left Lunatic, much to the chagrin of his Trump-Hating wife and family, will be PROSECUTED?” Trump blasted in a Truth Social post earlier his year.

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“He is a totally biased Thug who should be let loose on the Biden Documents hidden in Chinatown, and the 1,850 BOXES secretly stored in Delaware, which Biden REFUSES to give up.

“Biden is guilty of Obstruction, I am not!”

Meanwhile, Smith has been desperately trying to silence President Trump.

On Monday, Smith’s office said that Trump wants a “carnival atmosphere” at his March trial in the nation’s capital for accusations that his 2020 election challenges constitute “election interference.”

According to the legal response, Trump “may elect to craft court filings with the goal of gathering media coverage rather than lawful relief from the Court, as he appears to have done on this and many other occasions,” but there’s no reason to make an exception for the 45th president.

According to Smith, Trump desires “to create a carnival atmosphere from which he hopes to profit by distracting, like many fraud defendants try to do, from the charges against him.”

“As the Court has already observed in proceedings in the defendant’s criminal trial, the defendant and his counsel will, if permitted, design their in-court statements instead to wage a public relations campaign,” the special counsel’s office added.

Trump is currently confronted with a four-count indictment that was remanded in August.

The charge is that he engaged in a conspiracy to “obstruct the government function responsible for collecting, tallying, and certifying the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election through the use of knowingly false allegations of election fraud.”

READ MORE: Obama’s ‘Free Speech’ Claim Slammed as ‘Absolute Nonsense’ by 1st Amendment Expert

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