Renowned Arctic Scientist Debunks ‘Climate Crisis,’ Warns ‘Ice Age’ Is Coming

A world-renowned Arctic scientist has spoken out to debunk the globalist “climate crisis” narrative and warn the public that the Earth is actually heading for a period of “global cooling.”

Leading polar expert Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences declared that “warming is about to end” and the planet is about to enter an “ice age.”

“We will inevitably transition to an unfavorable cold,” he warned, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

According to Fedotov, the director of the Limnological Institute of the RAS, the period of “unfavorable cold” will begin around 2030.

Fedotov issued the warning in a statement that was published by RAS, the country’s leading scientific institution.

According to the statement, Fedotov said:

“Warming is about to end.

“And the cause is not humans, but the interplay between the Sun and Earth.

“Currently, we are in a favorable period, but we will inevitably transition to an unfavorable [cold] one … around 2030-2035.”


Fedotov, a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, cited his studies of Lake Baikal and historic climate epochs.

“When the ice age comes, you will feel it immediately,” he warns.

Fedotov is urging the public to make preparations as such levels of cold would have a severe impact on the global food supply.

In an interview with the RAS, Fedotov explained his findings.

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Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS): “In other words, what awaits us is not warming, but cooling. When?”

Andrey Fedotov: “Now we are in a prosperous period, but let’s move on to a disadvantaged one.

“It’s inevitable. According to my estimates, the transition should occur in 2030–2035.”

RAS: “So the Ice Age has already arrived, but we haven’t felt it yet?”

Fedotov: “No. When it comes, you will feel it immediately.”

RAS: “And what should be done now?

“Prepare felt boots, warm clothes, heaters?”

Fedotov: “I would start with food.

“Hungry in felt boots won’t last long.”

Meanwhile, as Western corporate media outlets continue to push the “climate crisis” narrative onto the public, Russian outlets rarely mention green agenda talking points.

Russian TV viewers would assume that “climate change” is not an established fact.

In doubt-inducing programs regularly aired by Russian state channels in the last decade, audiences are confronted with the message that the climate debate is ongoing.

Theories of imminent global cooling hold equal credibility to the consensus on human-induced warming promoted by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

A 2020 episode of the show “The Most Shocking Hypotheses” on the state-controlled REN TV network aired claims that “global warming turned out to be a global scam.”

In the episode, the host briefly mentions that information in the show would contradict established science.

However, the host asserted that their purpose was to give the floor to another hypothesis so viewers could make their own conclusions.

“Isn’t it time for the whole world to save humanity from imminent doom?” the narrator asks.

“It turns out things are not so straightforward.

“Perhaps the climate apocalypse exists only in the inflamed minds of people, frightened by global media and the shocking predictions of scientists.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also voiced mixed rhetoric on climate during his two decades in power.

In 2003, Putin famously joked that Russians would not need to buy as many fur coats if global warming were real.

In 2019, he said that warming is proven to be caused by humans and argued that “nobody knows the causes of global climate change.”

In May, the RAS’s Eurasian Economic Integration Council said that Earth’s warming is not man-made and is primarily due to the “outflow of potassium isotope from the Earth’s depths.”

According to the council, this is linked to the “increasing emission of natural hydrogen, which creates ozone holes.”

READ MORE: Top Climate Scientist Blows Whistle, Admits ‘Crisis’ Is a Hoax

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