Republicans Secure Victories in Swing State Voting Cases

Republicans have racked up several victories in multiple swing states regarding cases to determine voting rules.

The wins in recent weeks are giving the GOP a better chance of electoral success in November.

The Republican National Committee RNC has filed 100 lawsuits in 25 states along with 150,000 lawyers and volunteer poll watchers to ensure fair elections across the country.

The Supreme Court allowed Arizona to require proof of citizenship to vote.

The ruling changes the dual ballot system the state has used since 2013.

The dual ballot system allowed potential non-citizens to vote in presidential and congressional elections.

The RNC is also working to get Michigan and Wisconsin to enforce their rules requiring the hiring of an equal number of Democrat and Republican poll workers.

Currently, Detroit has been accused of hiring seven times more Democrats than Republicans.

In May, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Pennsylvania had to enforce its own law that disqualified absentee ballots that weren’t dated.

This law prevented people from mailing in their ballots after Election Day and still having them counted, which could invite voter fraud.

In the 2020 election cycle, these undated absentee ballots were counted in violation of the existing law, and it was justified as a way to make sure every vote was counted.

The ACLU argued vehemently that the date on the ballot was “irrelevant,” but in reality, it’s the only way to make sure ballots are legitimate and are submitted when they are supposed to be.

There are many other cases pending before various courts that may or may not get decided before the election on November 5, 2024.

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The bottom line is that Democrats benefit when illegitimate votes are counted.

As such, Democrats are motivated to prevent safeguards that will lead to fair voting and prevent fraud.

It should be telling that Democrats want non-citizens to vote, and they want people to be able to vote multiple times if they can get away with it.

When Democrats say they want more people to vote, they are being disingenuous.

They want to win, they want power, and they don’t care how they get it.

READ MORE – Speaker Johnson Planning to Combine Voter Proof of Citizenship Requirements with Spending Bill

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By Nick R. Hamilton

Nick has a broad background in journalism, business, and technology. He covers news on cryptocurrency, traditional assets, and economic markets.

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