Rittenhouse Prosecutor Face-Palms After Witness Admits He Pointed Gun At Kyle First

A prosecutor in the Kyle Rittenhouse case is going viral after getting caught face-palming during dramatic testimony of a state’s witness who was shot by Rittenhouse on that fateful night. Rittenhouse is charged with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted homicide.

Gaige Grosskreutz is a key witness for the prosecution but when he took the stand and opened his mouth you would have thought he was on Kyle’s side.

The defense lawyer asked him: “It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him, with your gun – now your hand’s down in the video, pointed at him – that he fired, right?” To which the prosecution’s witness replied: “Correct.”

The courtroom went silent, Kyle acknowledged the moment with a sigh of relief as the camera turned to him. But then the camera turned to the prosecutors and the face-palm you knew just how bad it was for the prosecutors. (See Videos Below)

“I was never trying to kill the defendant,” Grosskreutz testified at one point. “In that moment, I was trying to preserve my own life. But doing so while also taking the life of another is not something that I’m capable of or comfortable doing.”

Grosskreutz parents filed a $10 million negligence claim against the city of Kenosha and Kenosha County. That case seems to be a loser now.


From NPR:

In cross-examination, they emphasized Grosskreutz’s Glock pistol — which was in his hand at the moment Rittenhouse shot him — and proximity to Rittenhouse, just about three feet, at the time of the shooting. Grosskreutz said he was not intentionally pointing the weapon at Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz, a paramedic from Milwaukee, had attended dozens of Black Lives Matter demonstrations that summer, acting as a medic and legal observer. He carried medical supplies, made livestreams of the events and wore a hat that read “paramedic.”

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Grosskreutz was also carrying his handgun holstered in the small of his back. His conceal-carry permit was expired at the time — which Grosskreutz said in testimony that he was unaware of that night.

Grosskreutz was roughly a block away from Rittenhouse when he first heard the gunshots — the sound of Rittenhouse shooting and killing Joseph Rosenbaum. As a medic, Grosskreutz ran toward the sound, rather than away, he said.

But then he encountered Rittenhouse. Hearing shouts from the crowd that Rittenhouse had just shot somebody, Grosskreutz decided to run in the same direction Rittenhouse was headed.

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