Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has fired back after leftists imploded over a chalk drawing of a Christian cross by her children.
Gov. Sanders’ kids used chalk to draw a cross surrounded by colorful stained glass-like shapes on the driveway at the governor’s mansion this week.
Sanders shared a photo of her kids proudly posing with their artwork on social media.
The image triggered outrage from the Left, however, and led to calls from the joyless mob for the drawing to be removed.
The far-left organization Americans United for the Separation of Church and State issued a letter demanding the removal of the chalk rendering of a cross.
The group claims that the presence of the artwork at the official home of Arkansas’ executive was a violation of the Constitution.
Americans United wrote:
The religious display at the entrance to the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion violates the Establishment Clause because it sends a message that the Governor’s office—and by extension, the state of Arkansas—favors one religion over others.
Such favoritism is unconstitutional.
You and your family are free to display and create religious images and art in private areas of your residence, but a public-facing display in front of an entrance intended “to welcome people into the Governor’s mansion” is plainly on the wrong side of the constitutional line.
Despite the outrage, Gov. Sanders is not backing down and refuses to bow before the mob and relegate her family’s beliefs to only private expressions.
Sanders responded to Americans United in a letter of her own.
“I have received your letter and my answer is no,” Sanders asserted.
“I will not erase the beautiful cross my kids drew in chalk on the driveway of the Governor’s Mansion or remove my post on social media, and I will not now or ever hide that I am a Christian, saved by Christ.”
Sanders continued, explaining that Americans United is “wrong to claim that our Constitution prevents public officials, let alone their families, from making earnest expressions of religious faith.
“Our founding documents are riddled with religious language – stating plainly that the very rights you claim to defend are ‘endowed by our Creator,’” Sanders reminded.
“You are asking me to ignore that truth and hide a crucial part of my identity and the identity of my kids.
“That, I will not do,” she reiterated.
“In Arkansas, we stand up to bullying liberals,” Sanders declared:
“We won’t let you power-wash our kids’ chalk drawings off our front steps.
“We won’t let you tear down Christmas decorations and stomp our traditions into the dirt.
“We don’t live our lives in fear of strongly worded letters coming down from Washington,” the governor warned.
“I am offended by the implication that, just because I am a Christian, I am somehow a bigot.
“All people, of all faiths, are welcome in our state.
“All Arkansans are welcome in the Governor’s Mansion.
“We are all citizens of this same great country – one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
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