Sean Hannity has issued a warning to Democrat Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman that he may be “hearing” from the Fox News star’s lawyers “very shortly.”
Hannity reached his limit with Fetterman over fundraising texts the current lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania has been sending.
Fetterman is locked in a close race with Dr. Oz for the Pennsylvania Senate seat.
Hannity said: “As of now, the Fetterman campaign is refusing to debate Doctor Oz, also refusing my invitation to appear on the program — as he and his campaign have been lying about me, raising money off of my name, he apparently yet another fundraising text, attacking me, lying about me, calling me a liar.
“Every day he lies about me, I’ll continue to tell the truth about his radical, extreme positions.
“By the way, my trust fund brat friend, when you attack me, I will attack you back 10 to 100 times harder because you’re a lying loser and raising money for your losing campaign.
“He may be hearing from my lawyers very shortly,” Hannity warned.
“He better hope that mommy and daddy have enough money to pay his legal bills.”
Hannity issued a statement on Monday that blasted Fetterman as a “baby brat.”
“I have a message tonight for the very lazy Bernie Sanders-loving socialist trust fund, baby brat in a hoodie that is now running as a Democrat for the Senate in Pennsylvania,” Hannity said.
“Now he recently had a few choice words for yours truly, and he’s trying to raise money off of my name.
“Fetterman wrote, quote, ‘It brings me no pleasure to ask, but are you familiar with the host of a little show on Fox News named Sean Hannity?’
“It’s actually called ‘Hannity.’
“Anyway, Fetterman then proceeded to complain about my interview with his Republican opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and accused us of spreading B.S. lies.
“We don’t lie on the show,” Hannity said.
“He then asked his supporters, ‘Please chip in at least 25 bucks, 50 bucks, 100 bucks, because,’ quote, ‘we got to counter Sean Hannity with as much grassroots support as possible.’
“Now this Bernie-loving, spoiled trust fund baby brat, who is all upset and needs your money desperately because I told the truth about his positions.
“Let’s see.
“On legalizing drugs and fracking and believing in sanctuary cities and states and getting violent criminals out of jail, our abortion up until the moment of birth, no restrictions at all whatsoever.
“So instead of accusing me of lying, which we didn’t do, John needs to quit his whining, stop his crying, man up, put on his hoodie, defend his radical opinions.
“And, John, show me where you think I lied,” he said.
STOP CRYING: @seanhannity rips John Fetterman for 'whining' about being called out for his 'radical' opinions on his show, invites him on-air for debate.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 23, 2022