The Democratic Party is continuing to crumble as the critical November midterm elections draw closer.
President Joe Biden seems clueless and without solutions which is odd because he does have considerable power.
For one, he doesn’t have to let Saudia Arabia’s snub stand.
When they played with games with Trump, like they are with Biden right now, Trump gently reminded them that if not for America the ungrateful House of Saud would be lucky to get out of the country alive after the people revolted.
There are other things Biden and his team can do but they seem to be talking not acting and the people will remember it in November. One person who sees the writing on the wall is Democratic council member Harriet Holman from Dorchester County, South Carolina.
She has had enough and switched political parties and will be running for re-election as a Republican.
She said: “Some things that I had looked at, that I just didn’t agree with any longer.
“One of the things was that I am just totally pro-life, and I am about capitalism, and I am for funding the police.
“And so those things are what made me make my final decision.
She is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and she has a brutal message for the Dems. She said Republicans will grow their numbers in African-American communities as they continue to reject Dems policies.
She said: “We’re born into our families, and we kind of take on the trait of what our families are, and my parents were Democrats.
“It wasn’t an easy decision.
“I talked to family, I talked to friends, I talked to my constituents, and a lot of my family members are really Republican, as well.
“So it was not too hard of a transition at all.
From Mediaite:
Democrats won over 77 percent of Black voters in House races. He pointed out current polling shows the party with only 62 percent among Black voters in House races.
“I want to put this in a historical comparison for you,” Enten told Camerota. “This really gets at how low that 62-point margin is. Democrats have won Black voters by 75% or more in every single election this century.”
Camerota asked Enten for some context regarding the polling data, and how long the apparent decline has been going on.
“This has been a sudden decline, meaning like in the past year, plus?” she asked.
Enten agreed, and said Biden and Democrats have lost 20% support from Black voters just within the last year.