Republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has shut down Joe Biden’s objections to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade by using the Democrat president’s own words against him.
During a Senate floor speech, Cruz quoted Biden’s past comments in support of overturning the abortion ruling.
“Today’s modern Democrat Party has become radicalized on abortion,” Cruz said.
“Today’s Democrat Party has said if you are Democrat and pro-life, get the hell out you are not welcomed in our party.
“Unlimited abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, including partial-birth abortion with government funding, with no parental notifications and no parental consent, is supported by only a tiny minority of Americans.
“They know that voters, when given the chance, do not support that radical view,” he added.
He continued and called out Joe Biden:
“When Roe v. Wade was first decided, one Democrat who spoke up against it was a fella named Joseph Robinette Biden.”
Cruz then read a quote from our current president:
“I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion,” Biden is quoted as saying.
“I think it went too far.
“I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body,” the Biden quote reads.
Cruz pointed out what Democrat Senator Dick Durbin said in 1983 about abortion.
“The right to abortion is not guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution,” Durbin said.
Cruz then reminded him that he said abortion should return to “before Roe v. Wade in 1973.”
“Abortion is an issue in which the American people have strong and passionate views and disagree,” Cruz said.
“Those disagreements have been longstanding.”
WATCH: Sen. Ted Cruz details Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Dick Durbin’s past comments where they were opposed to abortion and critical of Roe. Cruz brought receipts and floor charts!
— Terri Green (@TerriGreenUSA) July 12, 2022