World-renowned experts have revealed in a peer-reviewed study that a “sudden and sustained” spike in sudden deaths started in early 2021.
The peer-reviewed study was conducted by Matthias Reitzner of the Institute for Mathematics, University of Osnabrück in Germany, and Christof Kuhbandner of the Department of Human Sciences, University of Regensburg.
Reitzner and Kuhbandner’s study has exposed a significant increase in excess mortality during the years 2021 and 2022.
The study examined Germany’s data for unexpected deaths over a two-year period.
According to the paper, 2021 excess deaths were “two empirical standard deviations above the expected number.”
The number is “four times the empirical standard deviations in 2022,” the study found.
The report also draws attention to a spike in stillbirths.
By comparison, the 2020 excess deaths were “close to the expected number with respect to empirical standard deviation.”
In Germany, there were approximately 4,000 excess deaths in 2020 – the height of the Covid pandemic.
In 2021 and 2022, however, this number skyrocketed.
After the global vaccine rollout, the year 2021 saw around 34,000 excess deaths.
The excess deaths showed no signs of slowing down, however, and 2022 suffered approximately 66,000 unexpected deaths.
The surge in excess mortality reportedly began around April 2021.
Germany also saw a spike in stillbirths in the year 2021. In the first quarter, stillbirths increased by 9.4%. And in the fourth quarter of 2021, this number had reached 19.4%. Germany changed the definition of a “stillbirth” in 2019, so this data is a little less substantive for a comparison.
The German government started rolling out the first shots of various Covid vaccines to “priority groups” around the beginning of 2021.
Pfizer’s jab was deployed on December 26, 2020, followed by Moderna on January 12, 2021, and Oxford–AstraZeneca on February 12, 2021.
The shots were given to priority groups over the age of 60 first before later being rolled out to the rest of the public.
At a press conference on 26 April 2021, then-chancellor Angela Merkel promised to remove the prioritization by June, with Health Minister Jens Spahn later announcing its end on June 7, 2021.
The study falls short of specifying what may have caused the “sudden and sustained” surges in deaths.
However, the paper notes that they occurred in the “vaccine era” of the pandemic:
These findings indicate that something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the early COVID-19 pandemic so far. Possible influencing factors are explored in the discussion.
However, while the conclusion doesn’t explicitly blame any particular variable, it does acknowledge a shocking issue with safety signals regarding vaccinations:
From the perspective of pharmacovigilance, the simultaneous onset of excess mortality and vaccinations represents a safety signal. Safety signals such as the observation of a temporal relationship between the administration of vaccines and the occurrence of adverse events do not necessarily imply a causal relationship since there may be potential third variables that influence both the course of vaccinations and the course of excess deaths. Thus, a safety signal does not indicate a causal relationship between a side effect and a drug but is only a hypothesis that calls for further assessment.
In fact, in a study by a research team led by Schirmacher, out of 35 bodies found unexpectedly dead at home with unclear causes of death within 20 days following COVID vaccination, autopsies revealed causes of death due to pre-existing illnesses in only 10 cases. From the remaining 25 cases, in three cases, it was concluded from the autopsies that vaccination-induced myocarditis was the likely cause of death, and in two cases, it was concluded that vaccination-induced myocarditis was possibly the cause of death. As shown in Supplementary Table 1 published by Schwab et al., vaccination was the cause of death in further cases as well.
Given the temporal relationship between the increase in vaccinations and excess mortality, it seems surprising that a respective safety signal has not been detected in the pharmacovigilance by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), which is responsible for the safety monitoring of drugs in Germany. A closer inspection of the methods used by the PEI to monitor possibly deadly side effects of the COVID-19 vaccinations reveals that a flawed safety analysis is used that will not indicate a safety signal even if a vaccine causes extremely large numbers of unexpected deaths.
The report does conclude that “this leads to several open questions, the most important being the covariation between the excess mortality, the number of COVID-19 deaths, and the COVID-19 vaccinations.”
You can read the full peer-reviewed report here.
Data from OpenVAERS pertaining to stillbirth spikes and vaccine-related deaths in the U.S.
Stillbirths, deaths, and menstrual disorders all soared during the same 2021 and 2022 period, the data shows.
It also shows excess deaths by age in Australia.
The deaths climbed sharply among all Australians in the same period.
However, there was a massive spike among young people and children aged 0-44 years old that started in late 2021 and continued through 2022.
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