Top Study: Antarctica Sea Ice Has ‘Slowly Increased’ in Past 40 Years

A major study has directly conflicted with one of the leading “global warming” narratives regarding the alleged impact of temperatures on ice levels in Antarctica.

The study found that sea ice around Antarctica has “slowly increased” since the start of continuous satellite recordings in 1979.

According to the top researchers behind the study, any changes to the sea ice are caused by natural climate variation.

In a paper published earlier this year, four environmental scientists further state that any sign that humans are responsible for any change is “inconclusive.”

It comes after years of globalist politicians, green agenda groups, and the corporate media promoting the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda by claiming that sea ice in Antarctica is melting.

The scientists found that while ice has increased overall over the decades, some years have natural fluctuations.

Last year there was a reduced level of winter sea ice, for example.

This caused the Financial Times Science Editor Clive Cookson to warn that the entire area “faces a catastrophic cascade of extreme environmental events… that will affect climate around the world.”

However, Cookson’s warning conveniently failed to mention the years of increasing ice.

Over the satellite record, the scientists note there was a “prolonged and gradual” expansion of sea ice to around 2014 followed by a short period of sudden decline from 2014-19.

Growth was then resumed, although there was a temporary downturn around 2022.

These variations, which can also be observed before 1979, were caused by several natural atmospheric and oceanic factors.

None of this information is secret in the scientific world, however.

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The EU weather service Copernicus admitted recently that sea ice extent as a whole “shows large year-to-year variability and no clear long-term trend since 1979.”

At the other end of the Earth, Copernicus correctly states that the cyclical decline in Arctic sea ice “has leveled off since 2007.”

Yet, this information may come as a shock to green agenda narrative-regurgitating “journalists.”

Last year, Dr. Walter Meier of the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre claimed the 2023 winter sea ice dip was “so far outside anything we’ve seen, it’s almost mind-blowing.”

But this warning conflicts with Dr. Meier’s own work.

Ten years earlier, Meier was part of a scientific team that cracked open the secrets of early Nimbus photographic data.

These revealed significant Antarctica sea ice variability in the 1960s, including a high in 1964, not seen again until 2014, and a low in 1966, similar to the recent dip.

At the time, Dr. Meier commented that extreme ice highs and lows “are not that unusual”.

In 2023, the BBC said that it showed a worrying new benchmark for Antarctica, a region “that once seemed resistant to global warming.”

Yet, despite the fearmongering from green agenda advocates, a major study found that Antarctica has hardly warmed in the last 70 years.

One by one, “Net Zero” narratives used to promote mass “climate crisis” fears among the general public are being exposed as globalist propaganda.

Over the last few decades, alarmists have taken their cue from the ozone hole scare that started in 1974.

At this time, two scientists claimed that the widespread industrial use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was destroying the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere.

Subsequently, an annual appearance of an ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica.

As a result, CFCs were banned by international agreement in 1995.

The two scientists received the Nobel Prize for their work.

Activists claimed it was all a great triumph showing what could be achieved when humans acted in concert to protect the planet.

The Nobel Prizes were accepted and the activists moved on to other scares and proposed bans.

However, the ozone hole kept on expanding and contracting as it has always done.

This year, the hole is as large as it has been for the last 30 years.

The changes are due to natural variation, hence the media blackout.

Of course, if people knew about the ozone situation, they may also realize that the “Net Zero” agenda is also based on a hoax.

READ MORE – Bill Gates & Jeff Bezos Push for ‘Climate Vaccines’ in Food Supply

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