Trey Gowdy Busts Biden Pushing ‘Deliberate Misinformation’ to ‘Denigrate’ Georgia

Former U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy has accused Democrat President Joe Biden of deliberately pushing “misinformation” to “denigrate” the state of Georgia.

Speaking during his Fox News show, Gowdy pointed out the political absurdity of Biden smearing the only southern state he won in 2020.

“Less than one year removed from his inaugural address where he talked about unity to the everlasting delight of editorial boards across the country, this president is dividing the country again using race and voting,” Gowdy said.

“It’s not hard to vote in Georgia.

“It’s actually pretty easy so easy that Biden won in Georgia along with two Democrat candidates for Senate.

“Which is why it’s so hard to understand why he would want to denigrate one of the few southern states he has a chance to win.

“But he did, and he used deliberate misinformation to do it.”



“Biden wants to change the Senate rules, so he can federalize elections,” Gowdy continued.

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‘He says voting rights are so important the rules of the Senate must be changed.

“What about the judges who preside over voting rights cases, they’re important too aren’t they?.

“Why not change the rules for judges?

“What about the U.S. attorneys and FBI agents who enforce these laws?

“What’s the use in having laws if they aren’t enforced?

“Let’s change the Senate rules for U.S. attorneys and FBI Directors too?

“And you need money to enforce and prosecute voting Laws so let’s change the rules for budget and appropriations while we’re at it,” Trey said.

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