Van Jones Comes Clean, Admits Biden Has Failed Black Voters Economically: ‘It Got Worse’

CNN’s Van Jones has blasted Joe Biden over his failed promises to African American voters, noting that things have “got worse” for black people under the Democrat president.

Jones appeared on CNN’s “New Day” and dropped the hammer on President Biden.

He doomed Biden by warning that the president’s policies have caused “real heartbreak” among black communities.

Jones told hosts Kaitlin Collins and John Berman: “You have a community that came out in huge numbers in 2018, huge numbers in 2020, expecting things to get a lot better and instead economically at least it didn’t come true, it got worse.

“You’re going through a summer now of real heartbreak with black voters, the polls show that.

“I think Biden’s got to take that very seriously,” Jones warned.

“The rising gas prices, food prices have really walloped the black community”

“They’re doing stuff, they’re just not communicating it.

“If I were the Democratic Party right now, the black community is a firewall.


“They need to be spending a lot of money on black radio, a lot of money in black media to just point out the fact that Joe Biden is there for the black community and is doing stuff.

“The particular pain is not being addressed aggressively enough.”


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In a Thursday op-ed for CNN, Jones further elaborated on Biden’s failings.

“This month’s poll numbers are finally reflecting the heavy sighs and shrugged shoulders that are evident in black church pews, nail salons, and barber shops across America,” Jones wrote.

“African American voters are going through a season of heartbreak, frustration, and disappointment with the Biden administration.

“According to CNN’s poll, ‘Among people of color, 45% now approve of Biden’s overall performance, down from 54% in the spring. That decline includes a 6-point dip among Black adults and a 9-point decline among Hispanic adults.’

“A big part of the problem is soaring inflation,” he noted.

“The black community is being absolutely pummeled economically — bearing the brunt of the soaring gas, food, and housing prices.

“It’s no wonder only 34% of black voters in the CNN poll said they approved of Biden’s handling of inflation.

“Of course, whenever inflation is bad, the party in power is going to struggle to contain it.

“But black disappointment goes deeper than concerns about rising costs.

“African Americans came out in big numbers in 2018 and 2020.

“Yet, in 2022, there is a widespread feeling that the Democrats have over-promised and under-delivered for black voters.

“The irony is that the Biden-Harris administration has delivered real victories for the American people over the past 18 months.

“Biden signed into law a bipartisan infrastructure bill, a Covid-19 relief package, and a gun reform measure.

“Runaway inflation is hurting everyone.

“But under Biden, unemployment is way down and job creation in many sectors is way up.”


From CNN:

The summer of 2022 is a season of deepening and widespread discontent, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

The survey finds the public’s outlook on the state of the country the worst it’s been since 2009, while its view on the economy is the worst since 2011.

And nearly 7 in 10 say President Joe Biden hasn’t paid enough attention to the nation’s most pressing problems.

Biden’s approval rating in the poll stands at 38%, with 62% disapproving. His approval ratings for handling the economy (30%) and inflation (25%) are notably lower. Rising costs are a primary economic pressure for most Americans:

75% call inflation and the cost of living the most important economic problem facing their family.

Last summer, that figure stood at 43%.

With midterm elections approaching, the poll finds no indication that Biden’s standing with the public is improving — and among some critical constituencies, it is worsening.

Among Democrats, for example, Biden’s approval numbers have softened by 13 points since the spring (from 86% in a late April through early May poll to 73% now), while his numbers among independents and Republicans have held about even.

Biden’s approval rating among Democrats for handling the economy is also on the decline (62% approve, down from 71% this spring).

And on inflation, it is barely above water (51% of Democrats approve, 47% disapprove).

Among people of color, 45% now approve of Biden’s overall performance, down from 54% in the spring.

That decline includes a 6-point dip among Black adults and a 9-point decline among Hispanic adults.

Biden’s approval ratings for handling the economy and inflation now break negative among Black adults, who have been among the President’s strongest backers (47% approve and 52% disapprove on the economy, while 34% approve and 65% disapprove on inflation).

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