CNN’s Van Jones Comes Clean: Biden Is ‘Foggy, Meandering, like Reagan near the End’

CNN’s Van Jones has come clean about Joe Biden, slamming the Democrat president for being “foggy” and “meandering” during his first press conference in months.

Speaking during a live CNN broadcast, Van Jones said: “I think you have to be honest that you can be a foggy, meandering president.

“Say, like Reagan near the end, if you’re winning. But if you are foggy and meandering on key questions and you’re also not winning, then you’ve got a real problem.”

Jones said Biden did one good thing, forcefully commit to Kamala Harris as his running mate in 2024.


However, Biden’s moment of clarity backfired because Jones said it made the president’s meandering more pronounced.

“I think a lot of Democratic voters appreciate that,” Jones said.

“That’s the one time that you don’t want give any fuzzy, foggy, let-me-tell-you-a-long-story, answer.

“Clear and direct, they are a team.”

“He is staying together,” Jones continued.

“They are going to fight it forward.

“I think that part of the reason that answer stood out so much is because some of the other answers were kind of foggy and meandering.

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“I think the real challenge that you have is the numbers are out there that are bad.

“But this party has got to come together, and start putting some wins on the board for this president.

“They are going to either hang together or they are going to hang separately in the fall.”

From The Daily Mail:

The Democrats suffered another loss after the Senate failed to advance their voting rights bill.

Biden, taking to Twitter, said he was ‘profoundly disappointed’ that the Senate ‘failed to stand up for democracy’ but will continue to fight for the legislation.

‘I am disappointed — but I am not deterred,’ he said. ‘We will continue to advance necessary legislation and push for Senate procedural changes that will protect the fundamental right to vote.’

The president argued the legislation was needed in wake of last year’s insurrection at the US Capitol in which supporters of former President Donald Trump attempted to suppress ‘the sacred right to vote and subvert the American bedrock of free and fair elections.’   

Biden added: ‘My administration will never stop fighting to ensure that the heart and soul of our democracy – the right to vote – is protected at all costs.’

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