Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows

A disturbing new study has uncovered evidence from official government data showing that deaths among people vaccinated for Covid have been recorded as being unvaccinated.

The move apparently sought to make the Covid mRNA injections appear “safe” while also stoking fear among the unvaccinated by showing a false spike in deaths of people who purportedly hadn’t received the shots.

The alarming discovery was found in the database of the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) for mortality rates in 2021.

Initially, the official figures suggested a large spike in deaths for the non-Covid vaccinated.

These figures appeared to support the narrative that people were more likely to die by not taking the “safe and effective” injections.

However, researchers discovered that the vaccination status of the dead had been altered.

The study of the UK government data has uncovered systematic miscategorizations of vaccination status.

In the “Abstract” section of the study’s paper, the researchers wrote:

“At first glance, the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

“This conclusion is cast into doubt upon closer inspection of the data due to a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data.

“Whatever the explanations for these are, it is clear that the data is both unreliable and misleading.

“It has been suggested that the anomalies are the result of healthy vaccine selection bias and population differences.

“However, we show why the most likely explanations for the observed anomalies are a combination of systemic miscategorization of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated; and/or incorrect population selection for Covid deaths.”

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Several leading experts have been raising the alarm of the study’s findings.

In a post on X, Dr. Toby Rogers said:

“…the larger story is miscategorization bias.

“People who received Covid shots and then died were labeled as ‘unvaccinated.’

“THAT’S the story,” Rogers asserts.

“And that’s why ‘unvaccinated’ deaths spiked immediately after the vaccine rollout.

“That’s how they hid Covid vaccine deaths and kept the rollout going.”

Commenting on the study, Dr. Clare Craig said in a post on X:

“The key problem is that people who died after vaccination before April 2021 did not necessarily have their deaths recorded as vaccinated deaths.”

The study has emerged amid mounting allegations that doctors and hospitals were under significant pressure to inflate the figures for “Covid deaths.”

As Slay News reported, several whistleblowers have provided explosive testimony during an official inquiry, revealing that hospitals were euthanizing patients during the pandemic and blaming their deaths on Covid.

The patients were reportedly given a lethal drug combination before their deaths were listed under “COVID-19” in an apparent effort to boost the number of fatalities from the virus.

The bombshell testimonies were provided during the ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

The witnesses specifically testified that elderly patients were being unnecessarily administered end-of-life protocols.

However, the issue wasn’t just limited to Scotland, as Slay News previously reported.

A damning report emerged in February that sent shockwaves around the world after an investigation into the high numbers of “Covid deaths” during the pandemic uncovered evidence that tens of thousands of elderly people were actually murdered to boost the mortality rates.

The official UK government data produced for the report indicated that people across England were also being euthanized using a fatal injection of midazolam.

The cause of their deaths was then listed as “Covid,” indicating that the virus was killing far more elderly people than it was.

The widespread and persistent efforts to kill patients and amplify Covid death figures in the UK suggest a possible policy of systemic euthanasia on a global level.

READ MORE – mRNA Shots Permanently Alter DNA of Vaxxed & Their Offspring, Censored Study Shows

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