A manager at a Chicago restaurant has denounced Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot after a gunman opened fire on diners sitting on an outside patio at a West Loop restaurant.
The manager of The Aberdeen Tap was shot in the leg during the incident and is recovering.
She appeared on local media and issued a call to action to the people of Chicago: “Vote these clowns out.”
“The shooter rolled down the window and yelled, ‘What the f*ck are you looking at?’ before unloading a clip into a group full of innocent people,” a witness said.
“They were screaming and arguing for close to two minutes while stopped at the stop sign,” Aberdeen Tap’s manager said of the people in the car that shot at the innocent diners.
Last night the manager of The Aberdeen Tap was shot in a drive-by. According to witnesses, a car full of Hispanic males pulled up and yelled “what are you looking at?” before unloading rounds towards outdoor diners. The manager is expected to be ok. #ChicagoScanner pic.twitter.com/P6NYZRZ4qC
— 16th & 17th District Chicago Police Scanner (@CPD1617Scanner) September 17, 2022
She continued:
“I had a full patio, and people were watching this altercation the entire time.
“The male in the back left seat of the SUV saw everyone watching and proceeded to scream out the window at us, asking WTF we were looking at over and over again.
“Luckily, I am the only one who got shot.
“And luckily I am still alive.
“The bullet hit my lower left calf and just missed my bone and an artery.
“This post isn’t to gain sympathy or pity.
“It is to call out this wild west city that Chicago has become.
“It is to call out the people who are in charge.
“The ‘leaders’ who should be doing something.”
“Vote these clowns out of office or we will all be paying the price for the next four years,” she said.
According to CWB Chicago:
The video shows groups of friends kicking back and enjoying a summer evening on the restaurant’s sidewalk cafe, which lines the 1100 block of West Hubbard in the West Loop. Strings of overhead lights and a patio umbrella, folded for the beautiful weather, sway gently in the light breeze.
Across the street, a white SUV sits in the traffic lane. Witnesses said it is the vehicle the gunman fired from. Three people—possibly two Hispanic men and a Hispanic woman—were inside.
Aberdeen Tap is an awesome place to eat and drink. One of my favorites. So sad to see this happening. The crazy thing is today that I imagine this happening somewhere in downtown at outside restaurant while I was driving in this neighborhood. Crime is rampant in this area.
— Barry Butler Photography (@barrybutler9) September 18, 2022