Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing a new idea that uses tech to track individuals and record their impact on “climate change.”
The WEF is publishing ideas about how to deploy such surveillance technology.
The organization argues that it can tackle climate change by monitoring the carbon emissions of every person so that their “impact” can be addressed on an individual level.
According to a post on the WEF’s website, this idea is generally referred to as “My Carbon initiatives.”
The article, written by the director of India’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Smart Cities Mission, explains that it’s all about the “inclusivity of citizens” in reducing carbon emissions in urban areas.
However, “My Carbon” and so-called “personal allowance programs” have apparently not been a success, despite the WEF pushing them for years.
But this is now all changing due to new tracking and surveillance technology.
The WEF believes it can use these new advancements in technology to vastly advance the green agenda globally.
And since the share of emissions attributed to individuals in cities is 40%, the proposal is to tackle those things that are now identified by the WEF and its cohorts as standing in the way of “personal allowance programs” taking root: social and political resistance, a lack of awareness, and, of “fair mechanisms” to track individual emissions.
The group has designed a smartphone app that would be used to track individuals’ movements, purchases, eating habits, and day-to-day activities.
It would then score the individual and pressure them to change their habits to meet the green agenda goals.
Among the app’s features are advisory notes that encourage the person to “eat vegetarian” or “reduce your work hours” to improve their carbon footprint.
The WEF produced a mock-up of what the carbon tracking app would look like:
The World Economic Forum sees “an improved” world not only when it comes to technology, but also society.
The article goes on to mention the catastrophic pandemic restrictions in a positive tone.
The organization argues that Covid lockdowns and other restrictions serve as proof that billions of people can effectively be trained to show “individual social responsibility.”
“A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world,” the WEF article says approvingly.
The implication is that billions are also now more likely to accept restrictions regarding their lifestyle in other contexts.
Then there’s the technology, “AI,” blockchain, digitization, and “smart home” devices – all useful in advancing this specific dystopian agenda.
And the plan is to use surveillance tech to track in detail personal carbon emissions, along with giving “individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services.”
Further, costs for “carbon-intensive” activities and goods should be increased, while offering economic incentives to reduce demand – another way of saying, “low carbon emissions social credit system.”
And then, creating new social norms is also recommended.
These would impose a new definition of what “a fair share” of personal emissions is, and set “acceptable levels” of personal emissions.
READ MORE – WEF: Lockdowns Prove ‘Billions’ Will Comply with Climate ‘Restrictions’