The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing for digital ID technology to be used as a tool to enforce global vaccination compliance.
The WEF is pushing for the “digital identity” system to include support for users to prove their “vaccination status.”
As the digital ID will be required to use certain services, members of the general public could be denied access based on their vaccine history.
Specifically, the WEF wants people to prove that they’ve received certain vaccines before they can access the so-called metaverse.
The metaverse is an emerging virtual reality version of the Internet where people can “live,” work, buy items, “meet with friends,” and access social media.
It is widely regarded as the next evolution of the Internet.
However, globalist elites are scrambling to find ways to control the technology before it’s fully adopted by the public.
One key suggestion is to make digital ID a requirement.
As Slay News has reported, globalists such as the United Nations (UN), WEF, European Union (EU), World Bank, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are aggressively pushing for humanity to be tied down with digital IDs.
Gates, who is leading the push for the technology, which he has been testing on third-world nations, recently called for “health records” and “payments” to be incorporated into plans for digital IDs.
Meanwhile, a new WEF report highlights the “pivotal role” a person’s “digital identity” is expected to play in advancing the globalist agenda.
The WEF’s report, published last month and written in collaboration with tech firm Accenture, is titled “Metaverse Identity: Defining the Self in a Blended Reality.”
“The metaverse, poised to redefine the internet, intertwines the digital and physical, emphasizing the pivotal role of ‘identity’ in shaping immersive, human-centric experiences,” the report states.
“The metaverse will act as a conduit to blend the digital world with the physical world and transform how people interact with information, others, and their surroundings” and digital ID will be “a cornerstone in metaverse identity,” according to the foreword to the full WEF report.
The WEF’s March report comes on the heels of last month’s report by the RAND Corporation and the U.K. government’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.
The report states that “future metaverses may reach such a sophistication level that they ‘come to function almost like new countries.’”
The RAND report predicts the Internet of Bodies ecosystem, where humans and machines are essentially merged, may result in the development of the “Internet of Brains” sometime between 2035-2050.
Experts have repeatedly warned that behind the WEF’s stated concern for the security of individuals’ digital identity in the metaverse, are major financial interests — and new privacy-intrusive digital tools.
At the WEF’s annual meeting in January, digital ID was proposed as a means of tracking the unvaccinated.
Queen Máxima of the Netherlands has called on globalist elites at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos summit to expand plans for global “digital IDs” to ensure they can track individuals’ “vaccination status” and other private information.
The Dutch queen made the demands during a panel discussion at the WEF’s annual event in Switzerland this week.
Queen Máxima has served as United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) since 2009.
Guterres, who believes the general public should live in mud huts to comply with the WEF’s “Net Zero” agenda, has also been leading a campaign to link “digital IDs” to individuals’ bank accounts to track public spending.
Speaking to WEF elites in Davos in January, Queen Máxima said governments should roll out “biometric digital IDs” for the public globally.
She argues that the IDs can be used to track “who actually got a vaccination or not.”
Perhaps more alarmingly, she suggested that “digital IDs” should be a requirement for members of the general public to get “subsidies from the government.”
Throughout the panel discussion, the underlying suggestion was that forcing mandatory “digital IDs” onto society is for “the greater good.”
“When I started this job, there were actually very little countries in Africa or Latin America that had one ubiquitous type of ID, and certainly that was digital and certainly that was biometric,” Máxima told globalist elites.
“We’ve really worked with all our partners to actually help grow this, and the interesting part of it is that yes, it is very necessary for financial services, but not only.”
“It’s also good for school enrollment, it’s good for health, who actually got a vaccination or not, it’s good to get your subsidies from the government,” she added.
According to the WEF report, “Given that the metaverse is an extension of and an evolution of today’s internet, it may be assumed that anyone online today can have a metaverse identity. …
“Digital entities will be an enabling aspect of metaverse identity, facilitating and augmenting digital interactions.”
The report states that metaverse identity includes “representations” of “personal, social and role identity” through “avatars, pseudonyms or other digital expressions,” data that “capture the intricate web of knowledge about individuals generated by metaverse-supporting hardware and software” and traditional forms of identification.
Together, these constitute “digital crumbs that accumulate to form a metaverse identity,” the report adds.
Going beyond digital ID, the WEF report states that the “metaverse identity includes data points” that also extend “into the intricacies of an individual’s behaviors, actions and choices.”
The report gives an example of such “intricacies:”
“The way an individual speaks — for example, with unique tonal inflexions or cultural idioms — can offer insights into their background and upbringing.
“Similarly, a person’s distinctive movements, whether it’s the fluidity of their dance or the precision of their basketball shots, tell tales of their experiences and passions.
“Collectively, these attributes can generate insights and inferred data.”
The metaverse “enables dynamic verification through real-time, inferred data.”
For example, an individual’s behaviors, paired with facial scanning, can be used as ongoing age estimation or “‘behavioral credentials,’ effectively making verification an ongoing authentication process based on individual user conduct.”
Essentially, the system would work like the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit score.
“Metaverse identity,” in turn, “connects and anchors a person to the physical and virtual world,” the report states.
The WEF adds that this is “central to the future of the blended world.”
Potential applications of these metaverse identities range from “fashion try-ons” to “health monitoring … by inputting an individual’s daily nutrition and exercise habits into the doppelganger’s simulated environment.”
The report acknowledges that there will be people “who, by choice or circumstance, remain outside the formal bounds of identification” — i.e., consciously opting out of participating in the metaverse — and that this could “negatively influence social mobility in physical worlds, given the reliance economies have on digital platforms.”
According to the RAND Corporation-U.K. Defence report, the metaverse will lead to the creation of “a more interconnected global society emerging via virtual reality.”
There may also be not one, but multiple, metaverses, which may “come to function almost like new countries … that exist in cyberspace rather than in physical locations but have complex economic and political systems that interact with the physical world.”
This “may reduce the importance of national and individual identities and change how societies define and shape their cultural identities,” RAND states.
RAND also suggested the metaverse may include technology that allows users to “store and enforce the rules” they set “about what is allowed to come into their awareness, what takes up their time, and what information is shared about their activities.”
“The changing relationships between individual end users and those controlling virtual environments have led some to argue that ‘our sense of physical identity, time and agency will become subject to entirely new paradigms where the gateways to these experiences might be controlled by interests other than citizens,’” the report states.
This may lead to an “internet of bodies” that may also ultimately lead to an “‘internet of brains’, i.e. human brains connected to the internet to facilitate direct brain-to-brain communication and enable access to online data networks,” leading to “the potential emergence of ‘trans-humanism’ within the 2050 timeframe,” according to the report.
The report says those who opt out of such a system may be marginalized:
“Given the direct embedding of technology into human cognitive, physical and psychological functions, substantial levels of human augmentation may ‘[blur] the notions of identity and of what it means to be human’, introducing new normative lenses on humanity and producing new stigma for those not seen as attaining those norms.”
Additionally, “manipulations experienced in a digital environment may influence an individual’s physical or ‘real-world’ behaviors, potentially challenging established sociocultural institutions such as democratic political systems,” the report adds.
READ MORE – WEF: Depopulation Will ‘Save Elites’ & ‘Drown the Rest’