Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg have issued a warning to gun owners across America that they “better get ready to give them up.”
The co-hosts were responding to the tragic attack in Texas that left at least 19 children and two adults dead.
During Wednesday’s broadcast of “The View,” the co-hosts tried to shovel the blame onto Republicans and law-abiding gun owners.
Behar urged viewers to “stop voting Republican” while Goldberg suggested that firearms should be confiscated from citizens.
“Why are we always at square one with this?” Goldberg said.
“And I swear to god if I hear another Republican senator talk about their heart being broken, I’m going to punch somebody.
“I can’t take any thoughts and prayers,” she added.
“If your thoughts and prayers were with everybody, you would have done something by now.
“It’s not like everybody’s not trying to make something happen.
“What the hell is going on?”
Whoopi threatens violence against Republicans."I swear to God if I see another Republican senator talk about their heart being broken, I'm going to go punch somebody."
Joy Behar thinks inanimate objects get up and kill people of their own accord. "It's guns that kill people."— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 25, 2022
Behar claims Republicans are “gaslighting.”
“I want them to stop gaslighting me also,” Behar said.
“Stop saying it’s not guns that kill people, it’s people that kill people.
“It’s guns that kill people, okay?
“Stop saying the opposite.
“Stop saying that mental illness is behind this.
“There’s mental illness in every country in the world, and they don’t have this problem.
“So stop gaslighting me on that one, and stop saying that you can have a good guy stop a bad guy with a gun.”
Whoopi said:
“I want to thank Gov. Abbott because he signed 22 bills this year making it easier for mass shooters to buy, carry, and own guns in his state.
“Let’s apply his abortion laws to guns by deputizing citizens to sue anyone involved in gun violence!
“Let’s invoke some Supreme Court logic, too.
“Alito says abortion is not in the constitution?
“Well neither are AR-15s, so I guess the constitution doesn’t cover them, either.
“Life is so sacred? Then stop using guns to abort young lives.”
Whoopi wants people to deputize themselves.”Does your neighbor have too big an arsenal? Call the cops!”
She falsely claims the Second Amendment doesn’t cover ARs, only weapons used for hunting.
“They’re going to come for those AR-15s and you better get ready to give them up!”— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) May 25, 2022
Co-host Joy Behar chimed in saying, “Stop voting for Republicans.”
But Goldberg disagreed saying, “No, don’t stop voting for Republicans.
“But get better Republicans in there.”
Whoopi continued:
“You’re going to get all in my business and tell me what my family can and cannot do, neither can you.
“They’re going to come for those AR-15s, and you better get ready to give them up.
“We are allowing things out there that kill children.
“And you didn’t do anything the last time.
“You’ve done nothing since Sandy Hook.
“Well, I think it’s time for the people to say, ‘We’re going to take this to the courts and we’re going to make you give these guns up because you don’t need to have them.’”