“The View” host Whoopi Goldberg has compared the Republican Party to the Taliban, which her co-host Joy Behar blames on the Supreme Court.
Goldberg and Behar are reunited again on “The View” after Whoopi’s two-week suspension.
Today they trashed Republicans, the Supreme Court, President Donald Trump, and America.
They claim that the United States is now “tipping towards the way the Taliban deals with stuff” since Trump left office.
This is despite the Democrats controlling Congress, the Department of Justice, the CIA, the FBI, the military, the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, and the entire federal government.
Behar started off trashing the Supreme Court for the 2000 election decision that helped George Bush beat Al Gore and the Citizen United decision.
“The problem is the Supreme Court in this country,” Behar said.
“I think it is one of the major problems and it started when they decided to put George W. Bush in office.
“And then there was Citizens United you know and all that money comes in (to politics) and so it becomes even less, what’s the word, truthful about what’s going on.
Goldberg said, “I got to say, you know, I told you all this when you-know-who got elected.
“Remember I said it feels like we could be tipping towards the way the Taliban deals with stuff.
“Do you remember what you said to me? ‘I would not go that far. This is America.’
“And I believe — I know people don’t understand it, but I also believe that we are much stronger than people realize, certainly much stronger than the Republicans realize.
“Because every bad move that you-know-who made, the Constitution said, ‘I’m sorry, you can’t do that.’
“So, it is always going to be a challenge.
“It’s always going to be a challenge.
“That’s because we, those of us of a certain age, kind of thought we were handing off doing the right thing to the next generation, forgetting that we have to stay vigilant.
“This is — you know, people coming for democracy do not rest and people trying to arrest our rights.”
Behar said, “Voting rights in particular.”
Goldberg said, “Those people don’t rest.
“They are always up there trying to get stuff, our abortion rights, all these women’s rights we have.”
“When people say you’re woke, I say I was never asleep. You cannot sleep,” she said.
Whoopi compares the new Republican party to the Taliban #TheView pic.twitter.com/npUJZ3pWVV
— The Chat (@LiveOnTheChat) February 15, 2022
VIDEO – Whoopi: I Was Right When I Said that We Could Be Tipping Towards the Way the Taliban Deal with Stuff when Trump Got Elected https://t.co/Nzl7IdCriP
— Grabien (@GrabienMedia) February 15, 2022