‘Woke’ Medical Professor: Parents Must Implement Gender Ideology for Babies

A “woke” professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York has argued that parents should be pushing radical gender ideology onto their children from “birth or even before.”

Lauren T. Roth is a professor of pediatrics at Einstein and a physician in the division of academic general pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore.

Roth is also involved in an LGBTQ+ “special interest group” and claims that parents must start including gender ideology in their families before a baby is born.

She argues that families should understand that infants are “genderless” before the baby is born so the child can be indoctrinated with gender ideology “from birth.”

“This is my favorite topic,” Roth said.


The doctor has specialized knowledge of transgender medical experiments on children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Roth claims that children can be born confused about what gender they are and may require medical “interventions.”

“Like, this is a normal thing,” she claims.

“And we have to understand that gender is on a spectrum.

“There’s not just men and women,” she said.

“Sometimes [a child’s gender] matches the chromosomes or the genitals that they were born with, but sometimes it doesn’t,” the professor falsely alleged.

Roth, an educator of young minds, believes that children can be born “genderless” with a “nonbinary identity.”

“There’s also a term nonbinary, which means you’re someone who doesn’t necessarily identify with the categories of woman or man,” she said.

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“You may identify as both as neither or somewhere in between on a gender spectrum.

“And when we talk about younger children, we often use the term gender expansive.

“These children may not necessarily follow the social norms of gender.”

This isn’t the first time Roth has promoted such claims, however.

In June 2021, Dr. Roth said gender ideology must be adopted by parents “at birth or even before.”

She then proceeded to criticize the colors pink and blue for putting “expectations” on a baby.

“So it honestly starts at birth or even before,” she said.

“I really think we need to try to stop making everything pink and blue [and also] avoid this huge gender reveal party.

“You know, it’s okay to be excited when you find out that your baby is a specific sex.

“You know, people have dreams about what they want their families to be, but it’s really important not to push all those expectations on your child.”

Dr. Roth went on to claim that babies can develop their gender identity as young as 18 months old.

“Toddlers start to notice physical differences and develop gender identity as early as 18 months to two years,” Roth claims.

“They might begin talking about gender, playing dress up, having these established gender roles as early as age three or four.”

She also suggested parents can initiate gender-related conversations early in childhood in order to “give them space to explore” what gender they are.

“If your child was assigned male at birth and one day they tell you, ‘I want to wear pink sparkly dress,’ instead of saying what a lot of people say, ‘Boys don’t wear dresses, girls do,’ how about you know, say something like, ‘Tell me more about why you want to wear a dress today.’”

“You know, be open and curious and just start the conversation.

“I really think having open conversations like that and just asking questions allows your child to share a little bit about themselves.

“And it shows that you support them, and it gives them that space to explore who they are.”

On the national level, Dr. Roth serves as co-chair of the LGBTQ Health and Well-Being Special Interest Group of the Academic Pediatric Association.

She is working to bring standardized training to future pediatricians.

Dr. Roth, whose research includes a pediatrician’s role in transgender “medical interventions” on children, has lectured at and hosted workshops for Einstein medical students and helped develop a “culturally humble” care curriculum for Montefiore residents relating to LGBTQ+ health.

Montefiore provides transgender medical interventions on children such as cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers, also called gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa), a class of drugs that suppresses sex hormones by continually stimulating the pituitary gland.

As Slay News has previously reported, the puberty blockers given to children are the same drugs used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

Proponents of puberty blockers argue that stopping the natural biological process of children can lead to better outcomes for transgender kids.

The next stage after puberty blockers is the treatment of permanent drugs such as cross-sex hormones.

The drugs are followed by life-altering and irreversible surgeries.

However, many argue that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones cause permanent changes to a child’s body and disrupt their development in a way that cannot be reversed when they grow out of the confusion phase.

A recent research publication by top Swedish doctors called the hormones for children with gender dysphoria “experimental.”

They proceeded to sound the alarm of GnRHa’s potential to permanently damage a child’s full bone maturation.

Karolinska Institute’s research systemic analysis of existing medical literature led to a conclusion that GnRH analogs were found to delay bone maturation and mineral deposits, which may not be fully restored even with the introduction of sex hormones.

There are also unknown effects on how GnRH will affect the brain of a child with gender dysphoria in the long term.

Last year, the FDA identified six cases of children taking GnRH agonists, which presented “a plausible association” to causing increased pressure around the brain which can eventually lead the organ to swell.

Regarding a child’s sexual function, Dr. Marci Bowers, who is the president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, said that GnRH introduced at a critical puberty stage can cause a child to become inorgasmic.

“Every single child who was or adolescent who was truly blocked at Tanner Stage 2 (at the first signs of sexual development) has never experienced orgasm,” she said.

“I mean, it’s really about zero.”

READ MORE: Transgender Applies for Euthanasia after Sex-Change Surgery Backfires

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