Rittenhouse Jury Puts Joe Biden On Notice, Finds Kyle Not Guilty On All Counts

The Rittenhouse jury put President Joe Biden and many figures in the media on notice and found Kyle not guilty on all charges. The media, Biden, and others need to apologize for what they did by spreading misinformation about Kyle and this case to millions of Americans.

It was clear early, after the videos came out, that Kyle was acting in self-defense. But the media and Dem political leaders spread the bullshit version that Kyle was a white supremacist because it helped them politically and financially. That is what happened and Kyle has a way to make it right. He can sue.

Dem Lemon said just the other day: “This judge yelling at a prosecutor, anyone in the courtroom I think it’s problematic. And I don’t think it’s normal. You can decide or not if you think he’s biased. Most of the people I’ve seen on television who analyze, does some analysis of courtrooms, seems to think that there is a bias towards the defense.” 


Lemon added that Schroeder was usually “very pro-prosecution,” but he seemed to be “very pro-defense” in this case claiming he was “treating Kyle Rittenhouse as if he’s his grandson.” 

Kyle Rittenhouse’s mother Wendy went on Fox News and accused Joe Biden of defaming Kyle. She said: “When I saw that I was shocked, I was angry. President Biden don’t know my son whatsoever, and he’s not a White supremacist. He’s not a racist. And Biden did that for the votes. And I was so angry for a while at him and what he did to my son, he defamed him.

“I see this man trying to kick my son in the face. When I look at the video with that guy pointing a gun to my son’s head, I thought: he was going to die. The judge is very fair. The people that I talked to that lived in Kenosha all their lives. 

From The New York Post: Biden, at the time a presidential candidate in September 2020, had tweeted “there’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”

The post, which includes a 50-second clip, refers to a question Fox News host Chris Wallace asked then-President Trump during a presidential debate about whether he was willing “to condemn white supremacists and militia groups” in the wake of unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin and other American cities. The clip includes an image of Rittenhouse, 18, wielding a semi-automatic rifle.

Nick Sandman thinks Kyle should sue and offered to help him do that. He said:

“Kyle wasn’t given his day in court by his critics. And neither was I. The attacks on Kyle came from the national news media, just as they came for me. They came quickly, without hesitation, because Kyle was an easy target that they could paint in the way they wanted to.

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“This is the problem with liberal media outlets in the United States. They want to get the story first, get the most views, make the most money, and advance the agenda from liberal patrons.

“These outlets cover themselves when they are wrong with small footnotes at the ends of long articles, clarifying that new information has come out and that they have updated their coverage.

“So to President Joe Biden, Lebron James, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and every other commentator: please be quiet.

“With Kyle’s name dragged through the mud, and the clear effect it is having on him, many have started to ask the question whether Kyle should sue for defamation.

“While I am by no means an attorney, I have gained some experience on the ins and outs of defamation and can offer an educated guess on what the outcome would be if Kyle were to sue.

“Should Kyle sue? It first depends on what happens in the trial, as those elements would come into play were he found guilty. However, if Kyle is innocent it would create an easier road to winning.

“I personally am still involved in six media lawsuits as January approaches marking three years since the confrontation took place at the March for Life.

“So, if Kyle is prepared to take on another burden in his early life, with the acceptance that it might result in nothing, I answer, give it a shot and hold the media accountable,” he said.

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