Ted Cruz Says Democrats Plotting to Replace Biden with Michelle Obama: ‘Odds Are Very Significant’

Republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has doubled down on his prediction that President Joe Biden will be replaced with Michelle Obama on the Democrats’ 2024 ticket.

As Slay News reported, Cruz has previously stated that rumors are swirling around Washington D.C. that the Democrat elite plans to replace Biden with the former first lady.

“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps the most likely and most dangerous,” the senator said on his “Verdict with Ted Cruz” podcast last week.

“In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”


Cruz has now further speculated that Biden will not be chosen as the 2024 nominee.

He says that the distinction will go to Michelle Obama in a last-minute Democratic National Convention decision.

“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat National Convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate,” Cruz told Sean Hannity on Monday, doubling down on his previous statement.


“I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in,” Cruz continued.

“I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous.”

Cruz suggested that Democrats are using their allies in the corporate media to discredit Biden in the eyes of voters in preparation for the switch.

“And every time I see a Democrat or one of their puppets in the press beginning to point out the problems with Joe Biden – every time that happens, the chances of that go up and up and up,” Cruz explains.

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When Hannity asked if Michelle Obama even wants to run, Cruz reasoned that there are no other candidates that wouldn’t alienate certain Democrat voters.

Cruz continues by highlighting the poor field of possible Democrat replacements, including Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Gavin Newsom, and Pete Buttigieg.

“If the Democrats pick any of those four, you tick off the other three and risk alienating their supporters,” he noted.

He continued, “I think Michelle Obama brings the Obama pedigree.

“She parachutes in with also the suit of armor of a first lady with high positives and relatively low negatives.

“And I think they can justify to everyone who gets snubbed, ‘Well, look, we went with Michelle Obama instead.’”

“I don’t know if she wants it,” Cruz added.

“But I do think it would be much more attractive to her to come in next summer and just campaign a couple of months to the general rather than having to spend two years campaigning vigorously on the ground.”


READ MORE: Michelle Obama Flees to Spain as Barack’s ‘Ex-Boyfriend’ Speaks Out

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