Democrat President Joe Biden turned in another awful performance that likely blew his chances with the black vote in 2024. Biden made another of his racist gaffes. The flub comes as new polls show Biden getting crushed by President Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup. On Saturday night, Biden was…
Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder turned the tables on “The Breakfast Club” when he told host, Charlamagne Tha god, who Democrat President Joe Biden really is. Elder debunked the narrative that Biden and the Democrats have the best interests of black Americans at heart by exposing the president's racially charged…
Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has scored a historic win over the Democrats by forcing the College Board to cave on its new A.P. curriculum for African American Studies. After DeSantis pointed out some glaring problems with the course, the Board removed "black queer studies" from the coursework, along with…
Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) has claimed that the spread of Covid would have been reduced during the pandemic if slavery reparations had been paid out. Jackson Lee took to the House floor on Thursday and made the astonishing claim that reparations could have helped contain the spread of…