Alex Soros

Soros Foundation Slashes over 40% of Staff, Shutters Offices Around the World

Soros Foundation Slashes over 40% of Staff, Shutters Offices Around the World

Leftist billionaire George Soros' family organization is slashing its workforce in a major restructuring effort. Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) is undergoing its second restructuring in just three years. The latest effort will result in the total worldwide staff being cut by nearly half. The globalist organization’s board of directors…
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George Soros’ Organization Slashes 40 Percent of Staff

George Soros’ Organization Slashes 40 Percent of Staff

Radical billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) is slashing 40 percent of its workforce. OSF, which is now controlled by the top Democrat donor’s son Alex Soros, confirmed media reports of staff cuts in a statement. George Soros founded OSF in 1979 and personally led the organization until about…
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