A devastated mother is demanding answers after her teenage daughter suddenly collapsed and went into cardiac arrest during a cheerleading competition. The shocking incident occurred in Raleigh, North Carolina on March 5. Healthy 17-year-old Keianna Joe was performing a cheerleading stunt on stage when she unexpectedly dropped to the floor.…
Rapper Cardi B has reached her limit with rising inflation in Biden's America. She took to social media to tell the people in charge to bring the prices down. The music star noted that, if it is hurting her, it must be crushing "middle-class people or people in the hood."…
One of the world's leading cardiologists is raising the alarm after discovering "significant" links between soaring "unexpected" deaths and COVID-19 vaccines. Top London cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra was among the first people to get their Covid shot and made regular appearances on British television to promote the vaccinations. However, he…
Democrat Congressman Sean Casten's (D-IL) healthy teenage daughter has died suddenly after suffering an "unexplained heart failure," according to reports. On Friday, Casten revealed that his 17-year-old daughter Gwen, who died suddenly in June, was a victim of "sudden cardiac arrhythmia." "Healthy 2022 teenager” Gwen Casten was preparing to start…