Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Holder Shoots Armed Robber in Chicago

Concealed Carry Holder Shoots Armed Robber in Chicago

A concealed carry holder ended an armed robbery attempt in Chicago when the good guy with a gun exercised his Second Amendment rights and shot the thug. At around 3:33 am on Wednesday morning, an armed crook in a ski mask made a huge mistake and tried to rob three…
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Concealed Carry Permit Applications Soar 600% in Philadelphia

Concealed Carry Permit Applications Soar 600% in Philadelphia

Applications for concealed carry permits have soared a staggering 600 percent in Philadelphia. Law-abiding residents are responding to the Democrat-controlled city's skyrocketing violent crime rates by arming themselves. The latest figures follow reports that a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed an alleged robber around lunchtime Wednesday in a Philadelphia…
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