
American Farmland Seized to Advance Green Agenda

American Farmland Seized to Advance Green Agenda

American farmland is being seized in order to advance the globalist green agenda of the Biden-Harris administration. Five states in the Midwest are currently battling the construction of controversial carbon dioxide pipelines. The pipelines are putting farms in jeopardy as land is being confiscated from owners. A carbon dioxide pipeline…
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Bill Gates Launches Fake ‘Butter’ in Bid to Eliminate Farming

Bill Gates Launches Fake ‘Butter’ in Bid to Eliminate Farming

Bill Gates's latest effort to seize control of the food supply comes in the form of fake "butter" which seeks to "fight climate change" by eliminating the need for farmers. To achieve this goal, Gates is funding a startup called Savor which produces hyper-processed synthetic "vegan fat." The products are…
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