King County

98%-Vaxxed County Battling Heart Attack Death Crisis

98%-Vaxxed County Battling Heart Attack Death Crisis

A major county in Washington state is battling a crisis of surging heart attack deaths among the almost universally Covid-vaccinated population. King County, which covers Washington's most populous city of Seattle, has a population of 2.271 million people. A whopping 98% of King County residents received at least one shot…
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Deaths Surge 1,236% after Covid Shots, Top Study Finds

Deaths Surge 1,236% after Covid Shots, Top Study Finds

A jolting new study has found that deaths surge by over 1,200 percent among people who have received at least one Covid mRNA shot. The study was conducted by a group of world-renowned epidemiologists, cardiologists, and data experts. The pre-print paper for the study, co-authored by celebrated cardiologist Dr. Peter…
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