
Little to No Health Risks Linked to Eating Meat, New Study Finds

Little to No Health Risks Linked to Eating Meat, New Study Finds

A new study has found that there are little to no health risks associated with eating meat. The new scientific study was conducted by researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). The study claims to have found little to no health risks related to…
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Dutch City Bans Meat Ads to Fight ‘Climate Change’

Dutch City Bans Meat Ads to Fight ‘Climate Change’

Dutch officials in the city of Haarlem, Netherlands are banning advertisements for meat products in an effort to fight "climate change." Haarlem will become the first in the world to ban ads for meat because of its claimed impact on climate change, "woke" officials boasted on Wednesday. The city of…
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WEF: Public Must Eat ‘Synthetic Meat’ to Fight ‘Climate Change’

WEF: Public Must Eat ‘Synthetic Meat’ to Fight ‘Climate Change’

The World Economic Forum's (WEF) top advisor has called for the public to switch to eating laboratory-grown "synthetic meat" in an effort to fight "climate change." The WEF's Yuval Noah Harari, who describes himself as a "futurist," made a push for “cultured meat” products that are synthesized in laboratories during…
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